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opencv support opencl may have bug on stitching

I am developing a project with opencv3.0;

       I found a bug in the opencv/samples/cpp/stitching_detailed.cpp (line 818),yesterday;
                    else if (!timelapser)
                           CV_Assert(timelapse);            // i think is CV_Assert(!timelapse);
                          timelapser = Timelapser::createDefault(timelapse_type);
                          timelapser->initialize(corners, sizes);

     And i run stitching_detailed successfully;

       Today, i build source code with opencl for android ;  i want to use opencl to accelerate.  
       I build done and make sdk for android , i run stitching_detailed, but it is blocked  at  "   (*finder)(img, features[i]);  " ;
       so i follow code , and found  it related to UMat ;  so I think may be it is bug in opencv 3.0 for support opencl;

     everyone  can  help me ?