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BackgroundSubtractorMOG 1 with OpenCV 3?

So I have some code using BackgroundSubtractorMOG with opencv 2.10, it works OK.

I ported this code to OpenCV3, and the only change I needed to perform was to use BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 instead of the first one. The code runs OK, but the results are slightly different. I collected a lot of data with the first version, so now continuing the experiments with the second version is creating some consistency problems. The results are very similar, but not the same.

Long story short, I need to use the first version of MOG with OpenCV3, but I don't know how to do it (I don't know the name, or if it is even implemented). Otherwise I will need to rollback to OpenCV2, but I'd like to keep working with OpenCV.