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Opencv cascade classifier got different result with different computers

I've played with opencv3.0's cascade classifier recently, and came a long way to train a classifier that saved as cascade.xml. The classifier works well at my working place. But when I conducted the program at home using my laptop, the test result perform badly... Why would be that? My code and setting are the same. The working environment are also the same ( win7 x64, visualstudio2013 community with update5).

The key detection code are below: cascade.detectMultiScale(smallImg, faces, 1.1, 11, 0, Size(110, 110));

Setting in my cascade.xml: stageType: BOOST featureType: HAAR size: 20x20 boostType: GAB

Could anybody figure out what happened to the different result with the "same code", the smae "cascade.xml" and same "test images"?