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Saving an Opencv Mat into a YAML file using python

Hello, Does anyone know how to save, write, convert, etc an Opencv Mat into a YAML file using python.

I tried with cv.Save but it tells me "Cannot identify type of 'structPtr'", and with ImWrite it tells me error: "(-2) could not find a writer for the specified extension in function imwrite"

Thanks a lot for your help.

Saving an Opencv Mat into a YAML file using python

Hello, Does anyone know how to save, write, convert, etc an Opencv Mat into a YAML file using python.python?

I tried with cv.Save but it tells me "Cannot identify type of 'structPtr'", and with ImWrite it tells me error: "(-2) could not find a writer for the specified extension in function imwrite"

Thanks a lot for your help.

Saving an Opencv Mat into a YAML file using python

Hello, Does anyone know how to save, write, convert, etc an Opencv Mat into a YAML file using python?

I tried with cv.Save but it tells me "Cannot identify type of 'structPtr'", and with ImWrite it tells me error: "(-2) could not find a writer for the specified extension in function imwrite"

Thanks a lot for your help.