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Using DescriptorMatcher for generic features


I'm wondering if I can use (and how?) the DescriptorMatcher class to classify other data than keypoints. More precisely I would like to use them for texture classification.

I have N texture classes (C1, C2,...CN), each with K features (let's say the Haralick features: F1...FK). For each texture I have several patches used for training (so texture Ci is described by a [Mi*K] matrix where Miis the number of patches). Now, I would like to classify a patch P in one of those texture classes.

I know I could write my own classifier (KNN, naive Bayesian), but I'm wondering if one of the DescriptorMatcher classes could do the same? The documentation of this class is very sparse and I only found examples classifying keypoint data obtained fromalgorithms like SIFT, SURF, BRIEF...). Or are there other methods for this in OpenCV?

Thanks for any hints!