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opencv3.0 contrib install fail.

I know a little c language or c++ languages. I wanted to use sift,surf in the Java language.

I had to download the opencv3.0.0. After that the c:\opencv I unpacked the archive.

I use it only in Java. So after running the eclipse opencv-300.jar we have added to the library in the project.

I had to download the After that the c:\opencv_contrib-master I unpacked the archive. I've run cmake-gui.

image description

This was the setting, pressed a button called configure.

After that

image description

The value of OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH "c: / opencv_contrib-master / modules" changed to. After the configure button was pressed. And the build button was pressed.

I did exactly?

anyways, After running these opencv-300.jar file it has not changed. I still can not use the sift and surf. Please help me.