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Train dataset for temp stage can not be filled.

I am receiving the error above when I try to run the opencv_traincascade utility.

I am running the following command:

./opencv_traincascade -vec faces.vec -data cascadetrain/ -numPos 540 -numNeg 200 -bg negatives/bg.txt -numStages 2 -featureType LBP

The output consists of a summary of the parameters followed by:

===== TRAINING 0-stage =====

<begin< p="">

POS count : consumed 540 : 540

Train dataset for temp stage can not be filled. Branch training terminated. Cascade classifier can't be trained. Check the used training parameters.

This error appears to be the result of a problem with the .txt file that lists the locations of negative samples however that file appears to be in the appropriate format with each image listed on its own line as follows:


I have tried a number of different parameter settings, but continue to receive the same error.

I had 611 image files with annotations that I used with the create_samples utility to create the faces.vec file. I also have 611 negative/background images.

If anyone has any ideas for what I might try next, I would be most appreciative.

