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Hough circle for pupil detection


I'm trying to detect eye pupil by :

  1. process the frame with VideoCapture function
  2. Convert it into Gray Scale Image.
  3. Find Canny Edges using cv2.Canny() function
  4. Apply HoughCircles function. It will find the circles in the image as well as center of the image.
  5. Use the resulting parameters of HoughCirlces to draw the circle around the pupil.

I did succeffuly finding canny edge and I aplied Hough circle function .

But when I run the code no circle dispalyed around the pupil as shown in the atachment .

I need help please.

image description

Hough circle for pupil detection


I'm trying to detect eye pupil by :

  1. process the frame with VideoCapture function
  2. Convert it into Gray Scale Image.
  3. Find Canny Edges using cv2.Canny() function
  4. Apply HoughCircles function. It will find the circles in the image as well as center of the image.
  5. Use the resulting parameters of HoughCirlces to draw the circle around the pupil.

I did succeffuly successfully finding canny edge and I aplied Hough circle applied Houghcircle function .

But when I run the code no circle dispalyed displayed around the pupil as shown in the atachment attachment .

I need help please.

image description