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It can't be treated with a sample program.

I have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980. I have installed OpenCV-3.0 and configured with WITH_CUDA=(Checked), CUDA_ARCH_BIN=5.2, CUDA_ARCH_PTX=(Blank) by CMake3.3.0 and Visual Studio 2013 Community(64bit). When I then proceed to execute the

cpp-example-stitching --try_use_gpu yes image1.png image2.png

I get the following error :

OpenCV Error: Unsupported format or combination of formats (unsupported combinat ion of query.depth() and norm) in `anonymous-namespace'::BFMatcher_Impl::knnMatc hAsync, file C:\opencv-3.0\sources\modules\cudafeatures2d\src\brute_force_matche r.cpp, line 623

When I then proceed to execute the

cpp-example-stitching image1.png image2.png

It's processed with no problem.