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Line detection method

Hi Guys, I'm trying to do some project to detect um object in microscope. I'm using OpenCV for some time, but I dont underestand everything...

Goal is:

  1. with movable cursor find centre line of two rectangular object
  2. find contour line in each quadrant
  3. via start and end point find if rectangles are parallel
  4. print out diff angle, draw contour lines
  5. calculate rectangles middle line and print distance of lines in center
  6. ALL OF IT DO FAST (2-10 FPS)

I'm using Qt with c\c++ and openCV

This is my image after BW threshold This is my image after BW threshold

And this is my image after Canny And this is my image after Canny

I'm not able to find lines after Canny via HoughLineP, and I don't know why

Can you suggest my why ? Here is my source code

if(mat_orig.empty() == false)

      int cursor_x, top_limit, bot_limit;
      int w_second;
      int h_mid;
      int o_x, o_y;

  o_x = mat_orig.cols;
  o_y = mat_orig.rows;

  cursor_x    = mat_orig.cols/2;                          //Here should be number from mouse x coord
  top_limit   = o_y/2 - o_y*0.05;
  bot_limit   = o_y/2 + o_y*0.05;

  w_second    = o_x - cursor_x;
  h_mid       = o_y - (2 * top_limit);

  //Make Partition
  mat_part[0]     = mat_orig(Rect(0,                0, cursor_x, top_limit));
  mat_part[1]     = mat_orig(Rect(cursor_x,         0, w_second, top_limit));
  mat_part[2]     = mat_orig(Rect(0,        bot_limit, cursor_x, top_limit));
  mat_part[3]     = mat_orig(Rect(cursor_x, bot_limit, w_second, top_limit));
  mat_part_mid    = mat_orig(Rect(0,        top_limit,      o_x,     h_mid));

  // some vars for process 
  int i=0;
  vector<Vec4i> lines;
  Vec4i l;
  int dy_max = 1;
  char points[50];

  //loop calculate thresh, canny and hough for all 4 quads
  for (i=0; i<4; i++)
     threshold(mat_part[i], mat_part[i], 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY + CV_THRESH_OTSU);
     Canny(mat_part[i], mat_part[i], 200, 600, 3,true);
     HoughLinesP(mat_part[i], lines, 1, CV_PI/(180), 300, 200, 0);
     cvtColor(mat_part[i], mat_part[i],CV_GRAY2RGB);

     //I need draw only longest line
     for( size_t j = 0; j < lines.size(); j++ )
        if((lines[j][0] > 10)  || 
            (lines[j][0] < (mat_part[j].cols - 10)) || 
            (lines[j][2] > 10)  || 
            (lines[j][2] < (mat_part[j].cols - 10)))

        int dy = abs(lines[j][1] - lines[j][3]);
        if (dy > dy_max)
           dy_max = dy;
           l = lines[j];
     //draw longest
  cvtColor(mat_part_mid, mat_part_mid,CV_GRAY2RGB);

  //middle horizontal line (need visible horizontal center of image)

  //pic reconstruction
  vconcat(mat_part_top, mat_part_mid, mat_part_tm);
  vconcat(mat_part_tm, mat_part_bot, mat_part_whole);

  QImage qimgProcCanny((uchar*), mat_canny_view_s.cols, mat_canny_view_s.rows,    
                                       mat_canny_view_s.step, QImage::Format_RGB888);

Line detection method

Hi Guys, I'm trying to do some project to detect um object in microscope. I'm using OpenCV for some time, but I dont underestand everything...

Goal is:

  1. with movable cursor find centre line of two rectangular object
  2. find contour line in each quadrant
  3. via start and end point find if rectangles are parallel
  4. print out diff angle, draw contour lines
  5. calculate rectangles middle line and print distance of lines in center
  6. ALL OF IT DO FAST (2-10 FPS)

I'm using Qt with c\c++ and openCV

This is my image after BW threshold This is my image after BW threshold

And this is my image after Canny And this is my image after Canny

I'm not able to find lines after Canny via HoughLineP, and I don't know why

Can you suggest my why ? Here is my source code

if(mat_orig.empty() == false)

      int cursor_x, top_limit, bot_limit;
      int w_second;
      int h_mid;
      int o_x, o_y;

  o_x = mat_orig.cols;
  o_y = mat_orig.rows;

  cursor_x    = mat_orig.cols/2;                          //Here should be number from mouse x coord
  top_limit   = o_y/2 - o_y*0.05;
  bot_limit   = o_y/2 + o_y*0.05;

  w_second    = o_x - cursor_x;
  h_mid       = o_y - (2 * top_limit);

  //Make Partition
  mat_part[0]     = mat_orig(Rect(0,                0, cursor_x, top_limit));
  mat_part[1]     = mat_orig(Rect(cursor_x,         0, w_second, top_limit));
  mat_part[2]     = mat_orig(Rect(0,        bot_limit, cursor_x, top_limit));
  mat_part[3]     = mat_orig(Rect(cursor_x, bot_limit, w_second, top_limit));
  mat_part_mid    = mat_orig(Rect(0,        top_limit,      o_x,     h_mid));

  // some vars for process 
  int i=0;
  vector<Vec4i> lines;
  Vec4i l;
  int dy_max = 1;
  char points[50];

  //loop calculate thresh, canny and hough for all 4 quads
  for (i=0; i<4; i++)
     threshold(mat_part[i], mat_part[i], 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY + CV_THRESH_OTSU);
     Canny(mat_part[i], mat_part[i], 200, 600, 3,true);
     HoughLinesP(mat_part[i], lines, 1, CV_PI/(180), 300, 200, 0);
     cvtColor(mat_part[i], mat_part[i],CV_GRAY2RGB);

     //I need draw only longest line
line, not borders!
     for( size_t j = 0; j < lines.size(); j++ )
        if((lines[j][0] > 10)  || 
            (lines[j][0] < (mat_part[j].cols - 10)) || 
            (lines[j][2] > 10)  || 
            (lines[j][2] < (mat_part[j].cols - 10)))

        int dy = abs(lines[j][1] - lines[j][3]);
        if (dy > dy_max)
           dy_max = dy;
           l = lines[j];
     //draw longest
  cvtColor(mat_part_mid, mat_part_mid,CV_GRAY2RGB);

  //middle horizontal line (need visible horizontal center of image)

  //pic reconstruction
  vconcat(mat_part_top, mat_part_mid, mat_part_tm);
  vconcat(mat_part_tm, mat_part_bot, mat_part_whole);

  QImage qimgProcCanny((uchar*), mat_canny_view_s.cols, mat_canny_view_s.rows,    
                                       mat_canny_view_s.step, QImage::Format_RGB888);