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cuda support in standard libraries for OpenCV 3.0.0

I've tried to create a small sample application that calls a few cuda functions. The cv::cuda::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() seems to be available in the import library for the opencv_world_300.dll but trying to call the cv::cuda::createCannyEdgeDetector() instantiation function gives first an error that CannyEdgeDetector is not a member of the cv::cuda:: namespace.

If I add the <opencv>\sources\modules\cudaimgproc\include\opencv2 to the <opencv>\build\include\opencv2\core\cuda directory and add an include then I can compile but the link fails with an unresolved external symbol for the cv::cuda::createCannyEdgeDetector().

Is this intended behavior and are those more advanced cuda functions only available with a self build OpenCV 3.0.0 module? Or did these simply fall off in the change to OpenCV 3.0.0?