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How the sampling time is choosen by calcOpticalFlowPyrLK??

In the lucas kanade theory of optical flow measurement, instentanious velocity (vx,vy) of a point in an image is calculated at time t, given that the intensity will be same at time t+dt. But in calcOpticalFlowPyrLK, provide the new postion of the given input point at t+dt. So if they are using Euler method then how they select dt.

Or how they are calculating the position.

How the sampling time is choosen by calcOpticalFlowPyrLK??

  1. In the lucas kanade theory of optical flow measurement, instentanious velocity (vx,vy) of a point in an image is calculated at time t, given that the intensity will be same at time t+dt. But in calcOpticalFlowPyrLK, provide the new postion of the given input point at t+dt. So if they are using Euler method then how they select dt.

Or how they are calculating the position.

  1. What is the requirement to give input "nextImg" to the function calcOpticalFlowPyrLK() ??