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Source code of getUMat and getMat and data transfer mode between device and host?

Hi, I'm trying to use OpenCL to accelerate the imgproc module. The test results show that the time costed by data transfering is nearly the same as the computing time, and that's a lager number. So I want to konw how does the data transfer between the device and host, and where can I get the source code of the funcs getUMat and getMat?

Source code of getUMat and getMat and data transfer mode between device and host?

Hi, I'm trying to use OpenCL to accelerate the imgproc module. The test results show that the time costed by data transfering is nearly the same as the computing time, and that's a lager number. I use funcs getUMat and getMat to do the data transfer. So I want to konw how does the data transfer between the device and host, and where can I get the source code of the funcs getUMat and getMat?

Source code Performance of getUMat and getMat and data transfer mode between device and host?of OpenCL?

Hi, I'm trying to use OpenCL to accelerate the imgproc module. The test results show that the time costed by data transfering is nearly the same as the computing time, and that's a lager number. I use funcs getUMat and getMat to do the data transfer. So I want to konw how does the data transfer between the device and host, and where can I get the source code of the funcs getUMat and getMat?

Performance of data transfer of OpenCL?OpenCL in Intel HD Graphics?

Hi, I'm trying to use OpenCL to accelerate the imgproc module. The test results show that the time costed by data transfering is nearly the same as the computing time, and that's a lager number. I use funcs getUMat and getMat copyTo to do the data transfer. So The GPU platform in my computer is Intel HD Graphics 4600, and that's the only GPU device.So I want to konw how does the data transfer between the device and host, and where can I get host in OpenCV? Is the source code of the funcs getUMat and getMat?transfer mode suitable for Intel Graphics?

Performance of data transfer of OpenCL in Intel HD Graphics?

Hi, I'm trying to use OpenCL to accelerate the imgproc module. The test results show that the time costed by data transfering is nearly the same as the computing time, and that's a lager number. I use funcs getUMat and copyTo to do the data transfer. The GPU platform in my computer is Intel HD Graphics 4600, and that's the only GPU device.So I want to konw how does the data transfer between the device and host in OpenCV? Is the transfer mode suitable for Intel Graphics?