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reshape an image


I'm new to OpenCV, still learning the different functions and libraries. I'm trying to achieve something but still I can't find the proper method for it. I have an Image and I want to select a specific contour of four points (polygon) and then extract it. I managed to find a way to get the four points according to screen x,y but I can't find the method which extracts this contour and makes it a new image. and the new image must be square/rectangle shaped ....

Any help ?

reshape extract a contour out of an image


I'm new to OpenCV, still learning the different functions and libraries. I'm trying to achieve something but still I can't find the proper method for it. I have an Image and I want to select a specific contour of four points (polygon) and then extract it. I managed to find a way to get the four points according to screen x,y but I can't find the method which extracts this contour and makes it a new image. and the new image must be square/rectangle shaped ....

Any help ?

extract a contour out of an image


I'm new to OpenCV, still learning the different functions and libraries. I'm trying to achieve something but still I can't find the proper method for it. I have an Image and I want to select a specific contour of four points (polygon) and then extract it. I managed to find a way to get the four points according to screen x,y but I can't find the method which extracts this contour and makes it a new image. and the new image must be square/rectangle shaped ....

Any help ?