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What method used in OpenCV to get initial mean and covariance in command cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG

Hi, I want to know what method using for get initial mean and covariance in command cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG.. I'm read the c++ program from here but I don't see how they get initial mean and covariance for each Gaussian distribution, and what this command bgmodel.create( 1, frameSize.heightframeSize.widthnmixtures(2 + 2nchannels), CV_32F ); used for? And in KaewTraKulPong Bowden paper "An Improved Adaptive Background Mixture Model for Real-time Tracking with Shadow Detection" they have equation for L recent window, I didn't find code for update equation using L recent window, did the dev used it?

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No.2 Revision

What method used in OpenCV to get initial mean and covariance in command cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG

Hi, I want to know what method using for get initial mean and covariance in command cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG.. I'm read the c++ program from here but I don't see how they get initial mean and covariance for each Gaussian distribution, and what this command bgmodel.create( 1, frameSize.heightframeSize.widthnmixturesframeSize.height * frameSize.width * nmixtures * (2 + 22 * nchannels), CV_32F ); used for? And in KaewTraKulPong Bowden paper "An Improved Adaptive Background Mixture Model for Real-time Tracking with Shadow Detection" they have equation for L recent window, I didn't find code for update equation using L recent window, did the dev used it?