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soft POSIT implementation

I was wondering if anyone has implemented the softPosit routine in c++ or python, and if so would share with me what they’ve done. I’m using windows 7 and python bindings, but any c++ code would be helpful.

the softposit routine does "for determining the pose of a 3D object from a single 2D image when correspondences between object points and image points are not known".

I have exactly that problem. I know the 3d locations of some targets. I then can use only 1 image of the object. From that image I find the targets, or most of them, sometimes targets are blocked from view. I then need a way to automatically calculate the pose. I can't use the Posit in opencv, because the 3d/2d lists must be same size, and in the same order. I don’t know the order without having to do some sort of manual picking. That is not acceptable any longer for my problem. Hence, softPosit, it can deal with 1st the correspondence problem, then the posit problem.
Thanks John
