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identify, count items

Hello, I've been exercising the tutorials and examples, mainly for feature detection and extraction.

I'm using C++, Visual Studio 2012, and open CV 2.4.11.

I've gotten to the point where I can train on a template, a box of cereal for instance, then hold that item in front of a WebCam and have a cluster of feature lines drawn between the video image and trained image – you've seen the tutorial and example.

But, what I haven't seen, so far, is the next step. How do you use this cluster of feature detections between the test and train images to determine that " Oh yeah, it's a box of corn flakes" (or maybe I have two or three boxes).

I have feeling it might involve in inliers and outliers, but I haven't found the right stuff yet.

My ultimate problem will be to detect, identify, and count boxes of cereal on a shelf. Imagine there are two boxes of Cheerios, one box cornflakes, and three boxes of Froot Loops. I want to identify and count the items.

Can someone point me in the right direction – maybe to an example or the OpenCV functions I should be looking at?

Thanks, Barry.