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Cannot generate matlab bindings in OpenCV


I am trying to compile OpenCV on 64bit ubuntu system having Matlab R2014b(64bit) with gcc 4.9.x.

I use the following cmake parameters:

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/siddharth/opencv-master/install -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES=/home/siddharth/opencv-master/opencv_contrib-master -D MATLAB_ROOT_DIR=/home/siddharth/matlab -D WITH_IPP=off ..

But during the configuration, I get the following message:

Matlab: -- mex: /home/siddharth/matlab/bin/mex -- Compiler/generator: Not working (bindings will not be generated)

I have checked that I can compile mex files from within Matlab. All other modules are generated in the build directory except the matlab bindings. I have also seen the question: Bindings to access openCV from MATLAB do not generate. But no working solution is there.

I have put the output of cmake at

How can I proceed now ? (FYI, I don't have Computer Vision Toolbox in Matlab if that matters)

Cannot generate matlab bindings in OpenCV


I am trying to compile OpenCV on 64bit ubuntu system having Matlab R2014b(64bit) with gcc 4.9.x.

I use the following cmake parameters:

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/siddharth/opencv-master/install -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES=/home/siddharth/opencv-master/opencv_contrib-master -D MATLAB_ROOT_DIR=/home/siddharth/matlab -D WITH_IPP=off ..

But during the configuration, I get the following message:

Matlab: -- mex: /home/siddharth/matlab/bin/mex -- Compiler/generator: Not working (bindings will not be generated)

I have checked that I can compile mex files from within Matlab. All other modules are generated in the build directory except the matlab bindings. I have also seen the question: Bindings to access openCV from MATLAB do not generate. But no working solution is there.

I have put the output of cmake at

How can I proceed now ? (FYI, I don't have Computer Vision Toolbox in Matlab if that matters)

Cannot generate matlab bindings in OpenCV


I am trying to compile OpenCV on 64bit ubuntu system having Matlab R2014b(64bit) with gcc 4.9.x.

I use the following cmake parameters:

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/siddharth/opencv-master/install -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES=/home/siddharth/opencv-master/opencv_contrib-master -D MATLAB_ROOT_DIR=/home/siddharth/matlab -D WITH_IPP=off ..

But during the configuration, I get the following message:

Matlab: -- mex: /home/siddharth/matlab/bin/mex -- Compiler/generator: Not working (bindings will not be generated)

I have checked that I can compile mex files from within Matlab. All other modules are generated in the build directory except the matlab bindings. I have also seen the question: Bindings to access openCV from MATLAB do not generate. But no working solution is there.

I have put the output of cmake at

How can I proceed now ? (FYI, I don't have Computer Vision Toolbox in Matlab if that matters)

EDIT: I report same behaviour with both OpenCV-3.0.0 beta and opencv-master(from github).