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Counting the Total number of Frames in a video file ?

I am trying to count total number of Frames in my video file ('foo.h264').

>>> import numpy as nm
>>> import cv2
>>> cap = cv2.VideoCapture('foo.h264')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT' is not defined
>>> cap.get(5)
>>> cap.get(7)

So I think get(5) is giving frame rate and get(7) gives total number of frames. Obviously get(7) is incorrect in the above case. So I tried to find these values in an .avi file.

>>> cap = cv2.VideoCapture('foo.avi')
>>> cap.get(5)
>>> cap.get(7)

I can calculate the total number of frames by multiplying FPS by duration of the video, but I'm not sure if the FPS given for .h264 is right or not. Why does it give negative number of total frames? Is this a bug?
P.S: I recorded this video file using raspberry pi camera.

Counting the Total number of Frames in a video file ?

I am trying to count total number of Frames in my video file ('foo.h264').

>>> import numpy as nm
>>> import cv2
>>> cap = cv2.VideoCapture('foo.h264')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT' is not defined
>>> cap.get(5)
>>> cap.get(7)

So I think get(5) is giving frame rate and get(7) gives total number of frames. Obviously get(7) is incorrect in the above case. So I tried to find these values in an .avi file.

>>> cap = cv2.VideoCapture('foo.avi')
>>> cap.get(5)
>>> cap.get(7)

I can calculate the total number of frames by multiplying FPS by duration of the video, but I'm not sure if the FPS given for .h264 is right or not. Why does it give negative number of total frames? Is this a bug?
P.S: I recorded this video file file(.h264) using raspberry pi camera.