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Include could not find load file: cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake, what's wrong?


Currently I'm trying to install PS move on my Windows machine (win 8.1 - 64bit) for university project. I've downloaded this - and tried to follow instructions. First point on the instructions says: 1. build and configure OpenCV with cmake :: you may skip to build OpenCV on your own, however i had no luck :: the binary distribution did not work on my system cd <where you="" extracted="" opencv=""> mkdir build cd build cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" mingw32-make :: now go for a coffe-break

but when I try to execute cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" I get error specified in the title and "Unknown CMake command "ocv_clear_vars" I found 1 question regarding similiar issue here (, but it didn't work at all. For what it's worth I installed same API on a mac and it works great. Any help appreciated.