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Can't get opencv samples to work on Nexus 9

I'm trying to write an opencv app for a google nexus 9 tablet. When I try to run any apps that use opencv (Opencv face detection, Opencv demo 2, Opencv for tegra demo)I get a message "Opencv library package was not found! Try to install it?". If I click yes it takes me to the google play store. I installed opencv manager and it says I have library version rev 1 installed. The target hardware is Tegra. The table is running lollipop and has a tegra k1 chip. I've tried installing the ocv 2.4 pack armeabi_v7a from the google play store but that didn't help. The opencv manager apps had some users commenting that it didn't work on the nexus 9. Is this a known issue? I read on a nvidia forum that the nexus 9 doesn't support CUDA. Would that make a difference?