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How the descriptor pattern of FREAK is defined?


I've been looking for some documentation of how are the FREAK descriptor pattern is build, but neither the original paper nor the OpenCV implementation have information more than the implementation itself.

My question is if someone know or have information about how is this defined?

How the descriptor pattern of FREAK is defined?


I've been looking for some documentation of how are the FREAK descriptor pattern is build, but neither the original paper nor the OpenCV implementation have information more than the implementation itself.

My question is if someone know knows or have information about how is this defined?

How the descriptor pattern of FREAK is defined?


I've been looking for some documentation of how are the FREAK descriptor pattern is build, but neither the original paper nor the OpenCV implementation have information more than the implementation itself.

My question is if is, someone knows or have information about how is this defined?