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cv::KNearest missing in 3.0.0, cv::ml::KNearest abstract?


I have a perfectly working program written in c++ under mac os (LLVM) with QT5 and OpenCV that i pulled some weeks ago from the development branch. It uses cv::KNearest.

I'm trying to compile this application under Windows using OpenCV 3.0.0 Alpha, QT5 latest version, Visual Studio '13 but I get

cv::KNearest - Not found. Looking into the <ml.hpp> class, I figured out to try to use cv::ml::KNearest instead, but now I get

C2259 cv::ml::KNearest : cannot instantiate abstract class

Can somebody help me with this? Has there been a recent change in the KNearest / ML code, ...?



cv::KNearest missing in 3.0.0, cv::ml::KNearest abstract?


I have a perfectly working program written in c++ under mac os Mac OS 10.9 (LLVM) with QT5 and OpenCV that i pulled some weeks ago from the development branch. It uses cv::KNearest.

I'm trying to compile this application under Windows using OpenCV 3.0.0 Alpha, QT5 latest version, Visual Studio '13 '13 but don't succeed.

I get

cv::KNearest : Is not a member of 'cv' (?)

cv::KNearest - Not found. Looking into the <ml.hpp> class, I figured out to try to use cv::ml::KNearest instead, but now I get

C2259 cv::ml::KNearest : cannot instantiate abstract class

Can somebody help me with this? Has there been a recent change in the KNearest / ML code, ...?

