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motion tracking problem

when i debug the code it show many camera image laptop any body know what is the problem!!!??

many camera image laptop open

here is the code:

#include <opencv\cv.h>
#include <opencv\highgui.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

//our sensitivity value to be used in the threshold() function
const static int SENSITIVITY_VALUE = 20;
//size of blur used to smooth the image to remove possible noise and
//increase the size of the object we are trying to track. (Much like dilate and erode)
const static int BLUR_SIZE = 10;
//we'll have just one object to search for
//and keep track of its position.
int theObject[2] = {0,0};
//bounding rectangle of the object, we will use the center of this as its position.
Rect objectBoundingRectangle = Rect(0,0,0,0);

//int to string helper function
string intToString(int number){

//this function has a number input and string output
std::stringstream ss;
ss << number;
return ss.str();

void searchForMovement(Mat thresholdImage, Mat &cameraFeed){
//notice how we use the '&' operator for the cameraFeed. This is because we wish
//to take the values passed into the function and manipulate them, rather than just working with a copy.
//eg. we draw to the cameraFeed in this function which is then displayed in the main() function.
bool objectDetected=false;
Mat temp;
//these two vectors needed for output of findContours
vector< vector<Point> > contours;
vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
//find contours of filtered image using openCV findContours function
//findContours(temp,contours,hierarchy,CV_RETR_CCOMP,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );// retrieves all contours
findContours(temp,contours,hierarchy,CV_RETR_EXTERNAL,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );// retrieves external contours

//if contours vector is not empty, we have found some objects
else objectDetected = false;

    //the largest contour is found at the end of the contours vector
    //we will simply assume that the biggest contour is the object we are looking for.
    vector< vector<Point> > largestContourVec;
    //make a bounding rectangle around the largest contour then find its centroid
    //this will be the object's final estimated position.
    objectBoundingRectangle = boundingRect(;
    int xpos = objectBoundingRectangle.x+objectBoundingRectangle.width/2;
    int ypos = objectBoundingRectangle.y+objectBoundingRectangle.height/2;

    //update the objects positions by changing the 'theObject' array values
    theObject[0] = xpos , theObject[1] = ypos;
//make some temp x and y variables so we dont have to type out so much
int x = theObject[0];
int y = theObject[1];
//draw some crosshairs on the object
putText(cameraFeed,"Tracking object at (" + intToString(x)+","+intToString(y)+")",Point(x,y),1,1,Scalar(255,0,0),2);

int main(){

//some boolean variables for added functionality
bool objectDetected = false;
//these two can be toggled by pressing 'd' or 't'
bool debugMode = false;
bool trackingEnabled = false;
//pause and resume code
bool pause = false;
//set up the matrices that we will need
//the two frames we will be comparing
Mat frame1,frame2;
//their grayscale images (needed for absdiff() function)
Mat grayImage1,grayImage2;
//resulting difference image
Mat differenceImage;
//thresholded difference image (for use in findContours() function)
Mat thresholdImage;
//video capture object.
VideoCapture capture;;

        return -1;

    //we can loop the video by re-opening the capture every time the video reaches its last frame

    //check if the video has reach its last frame.
    //we add '-1' because we are reading two frames from the video at a time.
    //if this is not included, we get a memory error!

        //read first frame;
        //convert frame1 to gray scale for frame differencing
        //copy second frame;
        //convert frame2 to gray scale for frame differencing
        //perform frame differencing with the sequential images. This will output an "intensity image"
        //do not confuse this with a threshold image, we will need to perform thresholding afterwards.
        //threshold intensity image at a given sensitivity value
            //show the difference image and threshold image
            cv::imshow("Difference Image",differenceImage);
            cv::imshow("Threshold Image",thresholdImage);
            //if not in debug mode, destroy the windows so we don't see them anymore
            cv::destroyWindow("Difference Image");
            cv::destroyWindow("Threshold Image");
        //use blur() to smooth the image, remove possible noise and
        //increase the size of the object we are trying to track. (Much like dilate and erode)

        //threshold again to obtain binary image from blur output
            //show the threshold image after it's been "blurred"

            imshow("Final Threshold Image",thresholdImage);

        else {
            //if not in debug mode, destroy the windows so we don't see them anymore
            cv::destroyWindow("Final Threshold Image");

        //if tracking enabled, search for contours in our thresholded image




        //show our captured frame
        //check to see if a button has been pressed.
        //this 10ms delay is necessary for proper operation of this program
        //if removed, frames will not have enough time to referesh and a blank 
        //image will appear.

        case 27: //'esc' key has been pressed, exit program.
            return 0;
        case 116: //'t' has been pressed. this will toggle tracking
            trackingEnabled = !trackingEnabled;
            if(trackingEnabled == false) cout<<"Tracking disabled."<<endl;
            else cout<<"Tracking enabled."<<endl;
        case 100: //'d' has been pressed. this will debug mode
            debugMode = !debugMode;
            if(debugMode == false) cout<<"Debug mode disabled."<<endl;
            else cout<<"Debug mode enabled."<<endl;
        case 112: //'p' has been pressed. this will pause/resume the code.
            pause = !pause;
            if(pause == true){ cout<<"Code paused, press 'p' again to resume"<<endl;
            while (pause == true){
                //stay in this loop until 
                switch (waitKey()){
                    //a switch statement inside a switch statement? Mind blown.
                case 112: 
                    //change pause back to false
                    pause = false;
            else cout<<"Code resumed."<<endl;


return 0;
