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OpenCV Error: Null pointer


Hey, i am working on openfabmap project and i am trying to run that in visual studio 2008 as told in readmefile in project.i done all the step correctly but that show me error about null pointer.

i think this error is about the setting.yml file but i am not able to solve this error.

i am using opencv 2.4.9

OpenCV Error: Null pointer


Hey, i am working on openfabmap project and i am trying to run that in visual studio 2008 as told in readmefile in project.i done all the step correctly but that show me error about null pointer.

i think this error is about the setting.yml file but i am not able to solve this error.

i am using opencv 2.4.9

Error is " OpenCV Error:Null pointer <null or="" empty="" buffer=""> in cvOpenFileStorage,file ........\opencv\modules\core\src\persistence.cpp, line 2697"