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Why this picture is classified to Upperbody?

There aren't any people in this image, but it is classified to Upperbody.
We just want to detect is there are any human in this picture.
Can anyone help me with this?
haarcascade_upperbody is what I am using.

image description

Why this picture is classified to Upperbody?

There aren't any people in this image, but it is classified to Upperbody.
We just want to detect is there are any human in this picture.
Can anyone help me with this?
this? haarcascade_upperbody is what I am using.

image description

Why this picture is classified to Upperbody?

There aren't any people in this image, but it is classified to Upperbody.
We just want to detect is there are any human in this picture.
Can anyone help me with this? this?
haarcascade_upperbody is what I am using.

image description