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Error copying Mat object with Android

I am using the class JavaCameraVIew and CvCameraViewListener2 for a Android application. With these classe, i am trying to get each frame and analyze it but my application works a few minutes and crashes with these errors:

W/InputMethodManagerService(  765): Session failed to close due to remote exception
W/InputMethodManagerService(  765): android.os.DeadObjectException
W/InputMethodManagerService(  765):     at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
W/InputMethodManagerService(  765):     at$Stub$Proxy.finishSession(
D/mm-camera(  199): module_faceproc_client_schedule_mode:1808] apply 2 report 1 new_mode 0
D/JavaCameraView( 2412): Preview Frame received. Frame size: 1843200
D/CameraBridge( 2412): mStretch value: 1.125
D/mm-camera(  199): module_faceproc_client_schedule_mode:1808] apply 3 report 2 new_mode 0
D/JavaCameraView( 2412): Preview Frame received. Frame size: 1843200
D/CameraBridge( 2412): mStretch value: 1.125
W/CameraService(  186): Disconnecting camera client 0xb74c2f88 since the binder for it died (this pid 186)
E/Surface (  186): queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to SurfaceTexture, -32
E/Camera3-OutputStream(  186): returnBufferCheckedLocked: Stream 0: Error queueing buffer to native window: Broken pipe (-32)
E/Camera3-Device(  186): Can't return buffer 1 for frame 197 to its stream:  Broken pipe (-32)
E/Surface (  186): queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to SurfaceTexture, -32

I could find the error but i don't know how i should fix it .... The error is if i want to copy a frame in order to apply another operations...

My main is:

public class TrackerActivity extends Activity implements CvCameraViewListener2 {
    private JavaCamResView openCVCameraView;
    public TrackerActivity() {
        Log.i(TAG, "Instantiated new " + this.getClass());      
        appContext = (new AppContextFactory()).create();


    public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame frame) {
        Mat outputFrame = outputFrame = frame.rgba().clone();   <- the ERROR is here....    
        return outputFrame;

Is it normal that i can not copy input frames..? In my opinion, it shouldn't be a problem.... Furthermore, Does somebody know how i could do to fix this error?

I didn't add all the stacktrace and classes because it can be tedious, but i uploaded in a pastebin web: