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Mirror recognition with OpenCv


I'm really intrested in reckoning a mirror with openCV for Android. I did my research among the exiting codes within the internet but I wasn't able to find anything that fits my needs. I have had my experience with OpenCV before with some apps and thats what I've thought on doing:

  • Identify a cellphone with openCV reckoning ability and, using that information, say to the user that he/she is in front of a mirror. The odds are that OpenCV might identify things as a cellphone other than an actual cellphone.

  • Use the front camera to identify face patterns and if i found the same face in the back camera, it could be a mirror (Not sure if it is possible. is it?)

And i think thats pretty much all of it. Any ideas? I would really apreciate if you guys could tell me if this project is possible or not.