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Rotated licence plate detection

I have done the licence plate detection from Mastering OpenCV Book, But in my case the camera is not very parallel with the ground, so the plate may be rotated with even 45°... I have thought to search diagonal edges, but it seems it does not done directly, I have to rotate the searched image, that take some time. Do you suggest me some other approach, that can detect it even if rotated?

Another problem would be the colour, I have licence plates that are black and written with white or gray; red and written with blue, or green; yellow written with black; etc.

Rotated licence plate detection

I have done the licence plate detection from Mastering OpenCV Book, But in my case the camera is not very parallel with the ground, so the plate may be rotated with even 45°... I have thought to search diagonal edges, but it seems it does not done directly, I have to rotate the searched image, that take some time. Do you suggest me some other approach, that can detect it even if rotated?

Another problem would be the colour, I have licence plates that are black and written with white or gray; red and written with blue, or green; yellow written with black; etc.