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Which image format is the best for haar training?


My question might be a dumb one but I wonder if there is an image format that is better for haar cascade training which means that:

  1. The training time is reduced
  2. The results are better

Is there one?

Thanks in advance

PS The University of Utah uses .pgm files for its image databases (e.g. the one for car detection)

Which image format is the best for haar training?


My question might be a dumb one but I wonder if there is an image format that is better for haar cascade training which means that:

  1. The training time is reduced
  2. The results are better

Is there one?

Thanks in advance

PS The University of Utah uses .pgm files for its image databases (e.g. the one for car detection)

Which image format is the best for haar training?


My question might be a dumb one but I wonder if there is an image format that is better for haar cascade training which means that:

  1. The training time is reduced
  2. The results are better

Is there one?

Thanks in advance

PS The University of Utah uses .pgm files for its image databases (e.g. the one for car detection)