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How does logging work in the stitching_detailed example?

Hi, I'm new to opencv and c++ as well. I was going through the stitching detailed sample which comes with opencv 2.4.9. I saw that there is some code for timing the functions in between #if ENABLE_LOG and also there are some lines using "LOGLN()" . Looking at them, i kind of figured out what they do. But how do I enable them? And where will I see the output? Will it be on stdout? I tried adding "#undef ENABLE_LOG" followed by "#define ENABLE_LOG 1" but I couldn't see any output from those lines. I also checked the opencv2/stitching/detail/util.hpp file where they seem to be defined but couldn't figure out what was going on. Are they IDE specific? (I'm using Xcode 5)

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updated 2014-07-14 04:45:50 -0600

berak gravatar image

How does logging work in the stitching_detailed example?

Hi, I'm new to opencv and c++ as well. I was going through the stitching detailed sample which comes with opencv 2.4.9. I saw that there is some code for timing the functions in between #if ENABLE_LOG and also there are some lines using "LOGLN()" . Looking at them, i kind of figured out what they do. But how do I enable them? And where will I see the output? Will it be on stdout? I tried adding "#undef ENABLE_LOG" followed by "#define ENABLE_LOG 1" but I couldn't see any output from those lines. I also checked the opencv2/stitching/detail/util.hpp file where they seem to be defined but couldn't figure out what was going on. Are they IDE specific? (I'm using Xcode 5)