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Function 'Point' could not be resolved, Mat not recognized

I am getting the errors as mentioned in the question.

*Setup Env: *

  1. I have imported OpenCV - SDK -2.4.9 in eclipse (ADT)
  2. I have included the path to the ndk-cmd.exe
  3. Included all the paths to the c++ libraries as needed
  4. Included the path to the jni folder of the sdk in my project

But then in the current project in android, i have the native code written, and i also have

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>

but then, even though the errors in core.hpp have been resolved, and when pressing ctrl+click on the file, it leads me to the location, but it shows an error saying:

fatal error: opencv2/core/core.hpp: No such file or directory


Function 'Point' could not be resolved, Mat not recognized

I am getting the errors as mentioned in the question.

*Setup Env: *

  1. I have imported OpenCV - SDK -2.4.9 in eclipse (ADT)
  2. I have included the path to the ndk-cmd.exe
  3. Included all the paths to the c++ libraries as needed
  4. Included the path to the jni folder of the sdk in my project

But then in the current project in android, i have the native code written, and i also have

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>

but then, even though the errors in core.hpp have been resolved, and when pressing ctrl+click on the file, it leads me to the location, but it shows an error saying:

fatal error: opencv2/core/core.hpp: No such file or directory



Image 1: the dependencies image description

Image 2: the error image description