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C++ Code convert in Java or what does this line do ?

Hello everbody, iam completly new in openCV and train with the Book "Mastering OpenCV". But all examples are in C++. I want to import one example in Java dor android and there is a line u dont unterstand and how to convert in Java.

//Find contours of possibles plates
vector< vector< Point> > contours; // <-- What does this line do ?
contours,                          // a vector of contours
CV_RETR_EXTERNAL,                  // retrieve the external contours
CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);             // all pixels of each contour

//Start to iterate to each contour found
vector<vector<Point> >::iterator itc= contours.begin(); // Here again, what does it mean?
vector<RotatedRect> rects;

I do not understand these 2 lines. Maybe someone can help me or explain what these 2 lines do and how i can realize it in java ?

Best regards

C++ Code convert in Java or what does this line do ?

Hello everbody, iam completly new in openCV and train with the Book "Mastering OpenCV". But all examples are in C++. I want to import one example in Java dor for android and there is a line u i dont unterstand and how to convert in Java.

//Find contours of possibles plates
vector< vector< Point> > contours; // <-- What does this line do ?
contours,                          // a vector of contours
CV_RETR_EXTERNAL,                  // retrieve the external contours
CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);             // all pixels of each contour

//Start to iterate to each contour found
vector<vector<Point> >::iterator itc= contours.begin(); // Here again, what does it mean?
vector<RotatedRect> rects;

I do not understand these 2 lines. Maybe someone can help me or explain what these 2 lines do and how i can realize it in java ?

Best regards