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One class svm

Please can anyone help me with one-class svm.Is there any sample code available for it?I am classifying on the basis of four features.I have changed the svm_type parameter to CvSVM::ONE_CLASS. I have labelled all the samples as 1.There are no other samples.However when i train , i always get 0 as the response.I am never able to get a response of 1. Also i am facing problem in setting up the nu and gamma parameters.What value should i give them?

One class svm

Please can anyone help me with one-class svm.Is there any sample code available for it?I am classifying on the basis of four features.I have changed the svm_type parameter to CvSVM::ONE_CLASS. I have labelled all the samples as 1.There are no other samples.However when i train , and test, i always get 0 as the response.I am never able to get a response of 1. Also i am facing problem in setting up the nu and gamma parameters.What value should i give them?