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Permission Denied when compiling with Qt Creator on Windows

There has been a while since I last worked with openCV on Windows and when I decided to compile a project today I found out that QtCreator has permission denied when accessing the folder containing the dll's of openCV. The awkward thing is that it compiled fine for the first time and after the second time it started giving me the permission denied error. I am able to compile through terminal, but I have to type de entire command and I'm getting tired of it. I've tryed to change permissions to the opencv/bin folder and the qtCreator.exe program, but nothing has seemed to work. What is going on?

Permission Denied when compiling with Qt Creator on Windows

There has been a while since I last worked with openCV on Windows and when I decided to compile a project today I found out that QtCreator has permission denied when accessing the folder containing the dll's of openCV. The awkward thing is that it compiled fine for the first time and after the second time it started giving me the permission denied error. I am able to compile through terminal, but I have to type de entire command and I'm getting tired of it. I've tryed to change permissions to the opencv/bin folder and the qtCreator.exe program, but nothing has seemed to work. What is going on?

-----------------edit: I am also able to compile it using eclipse, so I'm beggining to think that the problem is the way I'm linking the dll's. This is the .pro file:

TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += console CONFIG -= app_bundle CONFIG -= qt SOURCES += main.cpp INCLUDEPATH += C:\Code\OpenCV\myInstall\include LIBS += C:\Code\OpenCV\myInstall\x86\mingw\bin

I had this .pro saved here and as far as I remember it was suposed to work

Permission Denied when compiling with Qt Creator on Windows

There has been a while since I last worked with openCV on Windows and when I decided to compile a project today I found out that QtCreator has permission denied when accessing the folder containing the dll's of openCV. The awkward thing is that it compiled fine for the first time and after the second time it started giving me the permission denied error. I am able to compile through terminal, but I have to type de entire command and I'm getting tired of it. I've tryed to change permissions to the opencv/bin folder and the qtCreator.exe program, but nothing has seemed to work. What is going on?

-----------------edit: I am also able to compile it using eclipse, so I'm beggining to think that the problem is the way I'm linking the dll's. This is the .pro file:

TEMPLATE = app app

CONFIG += console console

CONFIG -= app_bundle app_bundle

CONFIG -= qt qt

SOURCES += main.cpp main.cpp

INCLUDEPATH += C:\Code\OpenCV\myInstall\include C:\Code\OpenCV\myInstall\include

LIBS += C:\Code\OpenCV\myInstall\x86\mingw\bin

I had this .pro saved here and as far as I remember it was suposed to work