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Fastest Method to Loop Through Contour Pixels

I am looking for the fastest way to iterate through the pixels in a contour.

I am currently creating a new grayscale and then using the function cvDrawContours to fill in the contours pixels in the grayscale. Next, I loop through contours min area rectangle pixels skipping the pixels which are not filled in with the grayscale.

This seems a bit inefficient, is there a better method???

Fastest Method to Loop Through Contour Pixels

I am looking for the fastest way to iterate through the pixels in a contour.

I am currently creating a new grayscale and then using the function cvDrawContours to fill in the contours pixels in the grayscale. Next, I loop through contours min area rectangle pixels skipping the pixels which are not filled in with the grayscale.

This seems a bit inefficient, is there a better method???