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VideoCapture allowed codecs


What video codecs are supported for VideoCapture (when reading from an AVI file)?

Both in windows and Linux ?

I have a H264 .mov file that I would like to feed openCV VideoCapture but after a week I'm still unable to do so.

I've spent the entire week installing and uninstalling ffmpeg, avconv, virtualDub, codecs. Both on windows and Linux. 32 and 64 bits versions, but to no avail.

I'm using the latest version of openCV on Windows 7 and/or Ubuntu 12.04

Could somebody please tell me ONE combination of video codec and container that works ?

Thank you!

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updated 2014-02-14 11:18:23 -0600

berak gravatar image

VideoCapture allowed codecs


What video codecs are supported for VideoCapture (when reading from an AVI file)?

Both in windows and Linux ?

I have a H264 .mov file that I would like to feed openCV VideoCapture but after a week I'm still unable to do so.

I've spent the entire week installing and uninstalling ffmpeg, avconv, virtualDub, codecs. Both on windows and Linux. 32 and 64 bits versions, but to no avail.

I'm using the latest version of openCV on Windows 7 and/or Ubuntu 12.04

Could somebody please tell me ONE combination of video codec and container that works ?

Thank you!