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Poor OpenCL performance

Hi, I am trying to perform the detectMultiScale function on GPU using OpenCL module. It is supposed to run faster but it is not. In fact it is even 3-4 times slower than the CPU implementation. I have tested it on both Intel HD Graphics 4000 and NVidia GT650M, and I got the same result. I want to know if anyone ran into the same problem, and if there is a solution.

OpenCV version :

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updated 2014-02-14 15:07:20 -0600

berak gravatar image

Poor OpenCL performance

Hi, I am trying to perform the detectMultiScale function on GPU using OpenCL module. It is supposed to run faster but it is not. In fact it is even 3-4 times slower than the CPU implementation. I have tested it on both Intel HD Graphics 4000 and NVidia GT650M, and I got the same result. I want to know if anyone ran into the same problem, and if there is a solution.

OpenCV version :