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How to get bird view image which is synthized four side images?(get AVM: around view monitoring)

Hi I'm making avm(around view monitoring) image by getting four side images from four fisheye cameras. This process has three parts:

  1. calibrate fisheye image/video/streaming
  2. get top view(bird view) image
  3. get avm image by synthesizing four side images

I has completed 1 and 2 parts, but I'm in trouble doing third part. I researched it and I found that it is may related to 'stitching' or 'numpy array'. But I don't know how to do it although I read documentation.

If you know anythings about it, please comment and share your thoughts. Thank you for your reading. (I'm using opencv, python)

How to get bird view image which is synthized four side images?(get AVM: around view monitoring)

Hi I'm making avm(around view monitoring) image by getting four side images from four fisheye cameras. This process has three parts:

  1. calibrate fisheye image/video/streaming
  2. get top view(bird view) image
  3. get avm image by synthesizing four side images

I has completed 1 and 2 parts, but I'm in trouble doing third part. I researched it and I found that it is may related to 'stitching' or 'numpy array'. But I don't know how to do it although I read documentation.

+add) presentresult image C:\fakepath\AVM_test.png

code: (brought from github Ahid-Naif/Around-View-Monitoring-AVM)

import cv2
import numpy as np
import imutils
from Camera.Undistortion import UndistortFisheye
from Camera.PerspectiveTransformation import EagleView
# from Camera.Stitcher import stitchTwoImages
import time

class avm:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__leftCamera = UndistortFisheye("left_Camera")
        self.__rightCamera = UndistortFisheye("right_Camera")

        self.__leftEagle = EagleView()
        self.__rightEagle = EagleView()
        # self.__frontEagle.setDimensions((149, 195), (439, 207), (528, 380), (37, 374))
        # self.__backEagle.setDimensions((164, 229), (469, 229), (588, 430), (45, 435))

        #reset left/right setDimensions
        self.__leftEagle.setDimensions((186, 195), (484, 207), (588, 402), (97, 363))
        self.__rightEagle.setDimensions((171, 240), (469, 240), (603, 452), (52, 441))
        # self.__leftEagle.setDimensions((186, 195), (484, 207), (588, 402), (97, 363))
        # self.__rightEagle.setDimensions((171, 240), (469, 240), (603, 452), (52, 441))

        self.__middleView = None
        self.__counter = 0

        # self.stitcher = stitchTwoImages("Bottom2Upper")
        # self.upper = None
        # self.bottom = None

    def runAVM(self, leftFrame, rightFrame):
        leftView = self.__leftCamera.undistort(leftFrame)
        topDown_left = self.__leftEagle.transfrom(leftView)
        rightView = self.__rightCamera.undistort(rightFrame)
        topDown_right = self.__rightEagle.transfrom(rightView)
        # topDown_Back = cv2.flip(topDown_Back, 1) #flip left/right

        topDown_left , topDown_right = self.__reScale(topDown_left, topDown_right)
        # stitchingResult = self.__startStitching(topDown_Front)
        middleView = self.__getMiddleView(topDown_left)
        birdView = np.hstack((topDown_left, middleView, topDown_right))
        return birdView

    def __reScale(self, topDown_left, topDown_right):
        width_leftView = topDown_left.shape[1]
        width_rightView = topDown_right.shape[1]
        height_leftView = topDown_left.shape[0]
        height_rightView = topDown_right.shape[0]
        if height_leftView > height_rightView:
            newHeight = height_rightView
            ratio = height_rightView/height_leftView
            newWidth = int(ratio * width_leftView)
            topDown_left = cv2.resize(topDown_left, (newWidth, newHeight))
            newHeight = height_leftView
            ratio = height_leftView/height_rightView
            newWidth = int(ratio * width_rightView)
            topDown_right = cv2.resize(topDown_right, (newWidth, newHeight))

        return topDown_left, topDown_right

    def __getMiddleView(self, topDown_left):
        # the length of the image represents the distance in front or back of the car
        width_leftView = topDown_left.shape[1]
        if self.__middleView is None:
            realWidth_leftView = 13 # unit is cm
            realWidth_MiddleView = 29.5 # unit is cm
            ratio = int(width_leftView/realWidth_leftView)
            width_MiddleView = int(realWidth_MiddleView * ratio)
            height_MiddleView = int(topDown_left.shape[0])  
            self.__middleView = np.zeros((height_MiddleView, width_MiddleView//2, 3), np.uint8)
            # print(ratio)
        # else:
        #     #  self.__middleView[0:stitchingResult.shape[0], :]

        return self.__middleView

    # def __startStitching(self, accView):
    #     if self.bottom is None:
    #         self.bottom = accView
    #         return None
    #     else:
    #         # time.sleep(0.5)
    #         self.upper = accView
    #         self.bottom = self.stitcher.stitch(self.bottom, self.upper)
    #         cv2.imshow("Result", self.bottom)
    #         height = accView.shape[0]
    #         return self.bottom[height:self.bottom.shape[0], :]

If you know anythings about it, please comment and share your thoughts. Thank you for your reading. (I'm using opencv, python)python, raspberrypi 4B)

click to hide/show revision 3

updated Dec 16 '0

berak gravatar image

How to get bird view image which is synthized four side images?(get AVM: around view monitoring)

Hi I'm making avm(around view monitoring) image by getting four side images from four fisheye cameras. This process has three parts:

  1. calibrate fisheye image/video/streaming
  2. get top view(bird view) image
  3. get avm image by synthesizing four side images

I has completed 1 and 2 parts, but I'm in trouble doing third part. I researched it and I found that it is may related to 'stitching' or 'numpy array'. But I don't know how to do it although I read documentation.

+add) presentresult image C:\fakepath\AVM_test.png

code: (brought from github Ahid-Naif/Around-View-Monitoring-AVM)Ahid-Naif/Around-View-Monitoring-AVM)

import cv2
import numpy as np
import imutils
from Camera.Undistortion import UndistortFisheye
from Camera.PerspectiveTransformation import EagleView
# from Camera.Stitcher import stitchTwoImages
import time

class avm:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__leftCamera = UndistortFisheye("left_Camera")
        self.__rightCamera = UndistortFisheye("right_Camera")

        self.__leftEagle = EagleView()
        self.__rightEagle = EagleView()
        # self.__frontEagle.setDimensions((149, 195), (439, 207), (528, 380), (37, 374))
        # self.__backEagle.setDimensions((164, 229), (469, 229), (588, 430), (45, 435))

        #reset left/right setDimensions
        self.__leftEagle.setDimensions((186, 195), (484, 207), (588, 402), (97, 363))
        self.__rightEagle.setDimensions((171, 240), (469, 240), (603, 452), (52, 441))
        # self.__leftEagle.setDimensions((186, 195), (484, 207), (588, 402), (97, 363))
        # self.__rightEagle.setDimensions((171, 240), (469, 240), (603, 452), (52, 441))

        self.__middleView = None
        self.__counter = 0

        # self.stitcher = stitchTwoImages("Bottom2Upper")
        # self.upper = None
        # self.bottom = None

    def runAVM(self, leftFrame, rightFrame):
        leftView = self.__leftCamera.undistort(leftFrame)
        topDown_left = self.__leftEagle.transfrom(leftView)
        rightView = self.__rightCamera.undistort(rightFrame)
        topDown_right = self.__rightEagle.transfrom(rightView)
        # topDown_Back = cv2.flip(topDown_Back, 1) #flip left/right

        topDown_left , topDown_right = self.__reScale(topDown_left, topDown_right)
        # stitchingResult = self.__startStitching(topDown_Front)
        middleView = self.__getMiddleView(topDown_left)
        birdView = np.hstack((topDown_left, middleView, topDown_right))
        return birdView

    def __reScale(self, topDown_left, topDown_right):
        width_leftView = topDown_left.shape[1]
        width_rightView = topDown_right.shape[1]
        height_leftView = topDown_left.shape[0]
        height_rightView = topDown_right.shape[0]
        if height_leftView > height_rightView:
            newHeight = height_rightView
            ratio = height_rightView/height_leftView
            newWidth = int(ratio * width_leftView)
            topDown_left = cv2.resize(topDown_left, (newWidth, newHeight))
            newHeight = height_leftView
            ratio = height_leftView/height_rightView
            newWidth = int(ratio * width_rightView)
            topDown_right = cv2.resize(topDown_right, (newWidth, newHeight))

        return topDown_left, topDown_right

    def __getMiddleView(self, topDown_left):
        # the length of the image represents the distance in front or back of the car
        width_leftView = topDown_left.shape[1]
        if self.__middleView is None:
            realWidth_leftView = 13 # unit is cm
            realWidth_MiddleView = 29.5 # unit is cm
            ratio = int(width_leftView/realWidth_leftView)
            width_MiddleView = int(realWidth_MiddleView * ratio)
            height_MiddleView = int(topDown_left.shape[0])  
            self.__middleView = np.zeros((height_MiddleView, width_MiddleView//2, 3), np.uint8)
            # print(ratio)
        # else:
        #     #  self.__middleView[0:stitchingResult.shape[0], :]

        return self.__middleView

    # def __startStitching(self, accView):
    #     if self.bottom is None:
    #         self.bottom = accView
    #         return None
    #     else:
    #         # time.sleep(0.5)
    #         self.upper = accView
    #         self.bottom = self.stitcher.stitch(self.bottom, self.upper)
    #         cv2.imshow("Result", self.bottom)
    #         height = accView.shape[0]
    #         return self.bottom[height:self.bottom.shape[0], :]

If you know anythings about it, please comment and share your thoughts. Thank you for your reading. (I'm using opencv, python, raspberrypi 4B)