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Preform separation and image segmentation

Hi everyone! I'm beginner at OpenCV and Computer Vision.

I need to solve the problem of separating connected preforms. I'm write code that allows me to handle a single preform fairly well, but if there are more than 1 of them, then there are problems, which you can see in the picture. How can I solve this problem? I read about the waterfall, but its application did not give the desired result.

Only one preform

Two preform

Source code

Preform separation and image segmentation

Hi everyone! I'm beginner at OpenCV and Computer Vision.

I need to solve the problem of separating connected preforms. I'm write code that allows me to handle a single preform fairly well, but if there are more than 1 of them, then there are problems, which you can see in the picture. How can I solve this problem? I read about the waterfall, but its application did not give the desired result.

Only one preform

Two preform

Source code

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Preform separation and image segmentation

Hi everyone! I'm beginner at OpenCV and Computer Vision.

I need to solve the problem of separating connected preforms. I'm write code that allows me to handle a single preform fairly well, but if there are more than 1 of them, then there are problems, which you can see in the picture. How can I solve this problem? I read about the waterfall, but its application did not give the desired result.

Only one preform

Two preform

Source code

If u want u can get source image this: click

#include "mainwindow.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

// Найти уравнение прямой
void line_equation(Point src1, Point src2, double& k, int& b) {
    if ((src1.x != src2.x) && (src1.y != src2.y)) {
        k = (double) (src1.y - src2.y) / (double) (src1.x - src2.x);
        b = src1.y - (k * src1.x);
    } else {
        k = 0;

void find_parallel(Point src, vector<Point>& dst, double k, int rows) {
    int b = src.y - k * src.x;
    dst.push_back(Point(-b/k, 0));
    dst.push_back(Point((rows - b) / k, rows));

// Найти точки пересечения прямой и контура
void line_interseption(vector<Point> src_line, Point p, Point q, vector<Point>& dst_point) {
    int d = 0;
    bool first_point_flag = false;
    bool second_point_flag = false;
    for(size_t i = 1; i < src_line.size(); i++) {
        d = abs((p.y - q.y)*src_line[i].x - (p.x - q.x)*src_line[i].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
            /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
        if(p.x != q.x) {
            if((d == 0) && !first_point_flag && (p.x > src_line[i].x)) {
                first_point_flag = true;
            if((d == 0) && !second_point_flag && (p.x < src_line[i].x)) {
                second_point_flag = true;
        } else {
            if((d == 0) && !first_point_flag && (p.y > src_line[i].y)) {
                first_point_flag = true;
            if((d == 0) && !second_point_flag && (p.y < src_line[i].y)) {
                second_point_flag = true;

// Найти точку пересечения прямых
void intersection_points(Point flp1, Point flp2, Point slp1, Point slp2, Point& dst_point) {
    double k1 = (double)(flp2.y - flp1.y) / (flp2.x - flp1.x);
    double k2 = (double)(slp2.y - slp1.y) / (slp2.x - slp1.x);
    double b1 = k1 * flp1.x - flp1.y;
    double b2 = k2 * slp1.x - slp1.y;
    dst_point.x = -(b1 - b2) / (k2 - k1);
    dst_point.y = -(k2 * b1 - k1 * b2) / (k2 - k1);

// Найти максимально удаленную точку от прямой
void find_max(vector<Point> sepCont, Point p, Point q, Point &dst) {
    dst = sepCont[0];
    int d = 0;
    int d_max = abs((p.y - q.y)*sepCont[0].x - (p.x - q.x)*sepCont[0].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
                /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
    for(size_t i = 1; i < sepCont.size(); i++) {
        d = abs((p.y - q.y)*sepCont[i].x - (p.x - q.x)*sepCont[i].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
            /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
        if(d > d_max) {
            dst = sepCont[i];
            d_max = d;

// Найти расстаяние между двумя точками
int find_dist(Point p1, Point p2) {
   return sqrt((p2.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x) + (p2.y - p1.y) * (p2.y - p1.y));

// Найти точку на прямой
void point_on_line(Point src1, Point src2, double k, int b, Point& dst) {
    double dif = 0;
    if(src1.y - src2.y != 0) {
        dif = (double)abs(src1.x - src2.x) / (double)abs(src1.y - src2.y);
    } else {
        dif = 2;
    int dist = find_dist(src1, src2);
    if(dif > 1) {
        if(src1.x > src2.x) {
            dst.y = k * (src1.x - dist/10) + b;
            dst.x = src1.x - dist/10;
        } else {
            dst.y = k * (src1.x + dist/10) + b;
            dst.x = src1.x + dist/10;
    } else {
        if(src1.y > src2.y) {
            dst.y = src1.y - dist/10;
            dst.x = (dst.y - b) / k;
        } else {
            dst.y = src1.y + dist/10;
            dst.x = (dst.y - b) / k;

void point_on_line(vector<Point> src, double k, int b, vector<Point>& dst) {
    double dif = 0;
    if(src[0].y - src[1].y != 0) {
        dif = (double)abs(src[0].x - src[1].x) / (double)abs(src[0].y - src[1].y);
    } else {
        dif = 2;
    int dist = find_dist(src[0], src[1]);
    if(dif > 1) {
        if(src[0].x > src[1].x) {
            dst[0].y = k * (src[0].x - dist/10) + b;
            dst[0].x = src[0].x - dist/10;
            dst[1].y = k * (src[1].x + dist/10) + b;
            dst[1].x = src[1].x + dist/10;
        } else {
            dst[0].y = k * (src[0].x + dist/10) + b;
            dst[0].x = src[0].x + dist/10;
            dst[1].y = k * (src[1].x - dist/10) + b;
            dst[1].x = src[1].x - dist/10;
    } else {
        if(src[0].y > src[1].y) {
            dst[0].y = src[0].y - dist/10;
            dst[0].x = (dst[0].y - b) / k;
            dst[1].y = src[1].y + dist/10;
            dst[1].x = (dst[1].y - b) / k;
        } else {
            dst[0].y = src[0].y + dist/10;
            dst[0].x = (dst[0].y - b) / k;
            dst[1].y = src[1].y - dist/10;
            dst[1].x = (dst[1].y - b) / k;

// Извлечь прямоугольник по 4 точкам
void extractRect(Mat src, Mat dst, int min_y, int min_x, int max_y, int max_x,
                 int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4, double k1, double k2) {
    while(min_y <= max_y) {
        int x1 = (min_y - b3) / k1;
        int x2 = (min_y - b1) / k2;
        if(x1 < min_x)
            x1 = (min_y - b2) / k1;
        if(x2 > max_x)
            x2 = (min_y - b4) / k2;
        if(x1 > x2) {
            int temp = x2;
            x2 = x1;
            x1 = temp;
        for(int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) {
  <uchar>(Point(i, min_y)) =<uchar>(Point(i, min_y));

void separeteContour(vector<vector<Point>> src, vector<Point>& top, vector<Point>& low, double k, int b) {
    for(size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) {
        for(size_t j = 0; j < src[i].size(); j++) {
            int y_cont = k * src[i][j].x + b;
            if(src[i][j].y < y_cont) {
            } else {

int main()
    Mat fg, bg, blured, preform, bin, ROI, erosion_dst, cont;
    vector<vector<Point>> contours, true_cont;
    Point2d vertices[4];
    int b_main, b1, b2, b3, b4;
    double k_main, k_peak;

    bg = imread("C:\\2\\bg.bmp", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
    fg = imread("C:\\2\\pf1.bmp", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

    resize(fg, fg, Size(), 0.3, 0.3, INTER_AREA);
    resize(bg, bg, Size(), 0.3, 0.3, INTER_AREA);

    absdiff(fg, bg, preform);

    threshold(preform, bin, 10, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
    findContours(bin, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);

    uint32_t resolution = fg.rows * fg.cols;
    uint32_t kernelSize = resolution < 1280 * 1280 ? 7:
                          resolution < 2000 * 2000 ? 15:
                          resolution < 3000 * 3000 ? 27:

    GaussianBlur(bin, blured, Size(kernelSize, kernelSize), 9, 9);

    imshow("bin", bin);
    imshow("pf", preform);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
        if(contours[i].size() > 1000)

    vector<Vec3f> circles;
    HoughCircles(blured, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, fg.rows/16, 100, 30, 1, 100);

    Moments mnt = moments(true_cont[0]);
    Point center_mass(mnt.m10/mnt.m00, mnt.m01/mnt.m00);
    Point circle_center(cvRound(circles[0][0]), cvRound(circles[0][1]));

    line_equation(center_mass, circle_center, k_main, b_main);

    int main_dist = find_dist(center_mass, circle_center);

    Point peak1, peak2;
    vector<Point> top_cont, low_cont;
    separeteContour(true_cont, top_cont, low_cont, k_main, b_main);

    find_max(top_cont, center_mass, circle_center, peak1);
    find_max(low_cont, center_mass, circle_center, peak2);

    line_equation(peak1, peak2, k_peak, b1);

    Point neck_point;

    intersection_points(center_mass, circle_center, peak1, peak2, neck_point);

    point_on_line(neck_point, center_mass, k_main, b_main, neck_point);

    line(fg, Point(-b_main/k_main, 0), Point((fg.rows-b_main)/k_main, fg.rows), 255, 1);

    vector<Point> neck_parallel;
    vector<Point> circle_parallel;
    vector<Point> circle_int;
    vector<Point> circle_int_par1;
    vector<Point> circle_int_par2;

    find_parallel(neck_point, neck_parallel, k_peak, fg.rows);
    find_parallel(circle_center, circle_parallel, k_peak, fg.rows);

    line_interseption(top_cont, circle_parallel[0], circle_parallel[1], circle_int);
    line_interseption(low_cont, circle_parallel[0], circle_parallel[1], circle_int);

    b2 = circle_int[0].y - k_peak * circle_int[0].x;

    point_on_line(circle_int, k_peak, b2, circle_int);

    find_parallel(circle_int[0], circle_int_par1, k_main, fg.rows);
    find_parallel(circle_int[1], circle_int_par2, k_main, fg.rows);

    Point neck_int1, neck_int2;
    intersection_points(circle_int_par1[0], circle_int_par1[1], neck_parallel[0], neck_parallel[1], neck_int1);
    intersection_points(circle_int_par2[0], circle_int_par2[1], neck_parallel[0], neck_parallel[1], neck_int2);

    vertices[0] = circle_int[0];
    vertices[1] = circle_int[1];
    vertices[2] = neck_int1;
    vertices[3] = neck_int2;

    circle(fg, neck_point, 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, peak1, 2, 100, 2);
    circle(fg, peak2, 2, 100, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[0], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[1], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[2], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[3], 2, 0, 2);
    line(fg, neck_parallel[1], neck_parallel[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_parallel[1], circle_parallel[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_int_par1[1], circle_int_par1[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_int_par2[1], circle_int_par2[0], 255, 1);

    imshow("fg", fg);
    imshow("pf", preform);
    imshow("bl", blured);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
click to hide/show revision 4

updated 2020-09-25 06:49:46 -0600

berak gravatar image

Preform separation and image segmentation

Hi everyone! I'm beginner at OpenCV and Computer Vision.

I need to solve the problem of separating connected preforms. I'm write code that allows me to handle a single preform fairly well, but if there are more than 1 of them, then there are problems, which you can see in the picture. How can I solve this problem? I read about the waterfall, but its application did not give the desired result.

Only one preform

Two preform

Source code

If u want u can get source image this: click

#include "mainwindow.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

// Найти уравнение прямой
void line_equation(Point src1, Point src2, double& k, int& b) {
    if ((src1.x != src2.x) && (src1.y != src2.y)) {
        k = (double) (src1.y - src2.y) / (double) (src1.x - src2.x);
        b = src1.y - (k * src1.x);
    } else {
        k = 0;

void find_parallel(Point src, vector<Point>& dst, double k, int rows) {
    int b = src.y - k * src.x;
    dst.push_back(Point(-b/k, 0));
    dst.push_back(Point((rows - b) / k, rows));

// Найти точки пересечения прямой и контура
void line_interseption(vector<Point> src_line, Point p, Point q, vector<Point>& dst_point) {
    int d = 0;
    bool first_point_flag = false;
    bool second_point_flag = false;
    for(size_t i = 1; i < src_line.size(); i++) {
        d = abs((p.y - q.y)*src_line[i].x - (p.x - q.x)*src_line[i].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
            /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
        if(p.x != q.x) {
            if((d == 0) && !first_point_flag && (p.x > src_line[i].x)) {
                first_point_flag = true;
            if((d == 0) && !second_point_flag && (p.x < src_line[i].x)) {
                second_point_flag = true;
        } else {
            if((d == 0) && !first_point_flag && (p.y > src_line[i].y)) {
                first_point_flag = true;
            if((d == 0) && !second_point_flag && (p.y < src_line[i].y)) {
                second_point_flag = true;

// Найти точку пересечения прямых
void intersection_points(Point flp1, Point flp2, Point slp1, Point slp2, Point& dst_point) {
    double k1 = (double)(flp2.y - flp1.y) / (flp2.x - flp1.x);
    double k2 = (double)(slp2.y - slp1.y) / (slp2.x - slp1.x);
    double b1 = k1 * flp1.x - flp1.y;
    double b2 = k2 * slp1.x - slp1.y;
    dst_point.x = -(b1 - b2) / (k2 - k1);
    dst_point.y = -(k2 * b1 - k1 * b2) / (k2 - k1);

// Найти максимально удаленную точку от прямой
void find_max(vector<Point> sepCont, Point p, Point q, Point &dst) {
    dst = sepCont[0];
    int d = 0;
    int d_max = abs((p.y - q.y)*sepCont[0].x - (p.x - q.x)*sepCont[0].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
                /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
    for(size_t i = 1; i < sepCont.size(); i++) {
        d = abs((p.y - q.y)*sepCont[i].x - (p.x - q.x)*sepCont[i].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
            /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
        if(d > d_max) {
            dst = sepCont[i];
            d_max = d;

// Найти расстаяние между двумя точками
int find_dist(Point p1, Point p2) {
   return sqrt((p2.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x) + (p2.y - p1.y) * (p2.y - p1.y));

// Найти точку на прямой
void point_on_line(Point src1, Point src2, double k, int b, Point& dst) {
    double dif = 0;
    if(src1.y - src2.y != 0) {
        dif = (double)abs(src1.x - src2.x) / (double)abs(src1.y - src2.y);
    } else {
        dif = 2;
    int dist = find_dist(src1, src2);
    if(dif > 1) {
        if(src1.x > src2.x) {
            dst.y = k * (src1.x - dist/10) + b;
            dst.x = src1.x - dist/10;
        } else {
            dst.y = k * (src1.x + dist/10) + b;
            dst.x = src1.x + dist/10;
    } else {
        if(src1.y > src2.y) {
            dst.y = src1.y - dist/10;
            dst.x = (dst.y - b) / k;
        } else {
            dst.y = src1.y + dist/10;
            dst.x = (dst.y - b) / k;

void point_on_line(vector<Point> src, double k, int b, vector<Point>& dst) {
    double dif = 0;
    if(src[0].y - src[1].y != 0) {
        dif = (double)abs(src[0].x - src[1].x) / (double)abs(src[0].y - src[1].y);
    } else {
        dif = 2;
    int dist = find_dist(src[0], src[1]);
    if(dif > 1) {
        if(src[0].x > src[1].x) {
            dst[0].y = k * (src[0].x - dist/10) + b;
            dst[0].x = src[0].x - dist/10;
            dst[1].y = k * (src[1].x + dist/10) + b;
            dst[1].x = src[1].x + dist/10;
        } else {
            dst[0].y = k * (src[0].x + dist/10) + b;
            dst[0].x = src[0].x + dist/10;
            dst[1].y = k * (src[1].x - dist/10) + b;
            dst[1].x = src[1].x - dist/10;
    } else {
        if(src[0].y > src[1].y) {
            dst[0].y = src[0].y - dist/10;
            dst[0].x = (dst[0].y - b) / k;
            dst[1].y = src[1].y + dist/10;
            dst[1].x = (dst[1].y - b) / k;
        } else {
            dst[0].y = src[0].y + dist/10;
            dst[0].x = (dst[0].y - b) / k;
            dst[1].y = src[1].y - dist/10;
            dst[1].x = (dst[1].y - b) / k;

// Извлечь прямоугольник по 4 точкам
void extractRect(Mat src, Mat dst, int min_y, int min_x, int max_y, int max_x,
                 int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4, double k1, double k2) {
    while(min_y <= max_y) {
        int x1 = (min_y - b3) / k1;
        int x2 = (min_y - b1) / k2;
        if(x1 < min_x)
            x1 = (min_y - b2) / k1;
        if(x2 > max_x)
            x2 = (min_y - b4) / k2;
        if(x1 > x2) {
            int temp = x2;
            x2 = x1;
            x1 = temp;
        for(int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) {
  <uchar>(Point(i, min_y)) =<uchar>(Point(i, min_y));

void separeteContour(vector<vector<Point>> src, vector<Point>& top, vector<Point>& low, double k, int b) {
    for(size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) {
        for(size_t j = 0; j < src[i].size(); j++) {
            int y_cont = k * src[i][j].x + b;
            if(src[i][j].y < y_cont) {
            } else {

int main()
    Mat fg, bg, blured, preform, bin, ROI, erosion_dst, cont;
    vector<vector<Point>> contours, true_cont;
    Point2d vertices[4];
    int b_main, b1, b2, b3, b4;
    double k_main, k_peak;

    bg = imread("C:\\2\\bg.bmp", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
    fg = imread("C:\\2\\pf1.bmp", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

    resize(fg, fg, Size(), 0.3, 0.3, INTER_AREA);
    resize(bg, bg, Size(), 0.3, 0.3, INTER_AREA);

    absdiff(fg, bg, preform);

    threshold(preform, bin, 10, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
    findContours(bin, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);

    uint32_t resolution = fg.rows * fg.cols;
    uint32_t kernelSize = resolution < 1280 * 1280 ? 7:
                          resolution < 2000 * 2000 ? 15:
                          resolution < 3000 * 3000 ? 27:

    GaussianBlur(bin, blured, Size(kernelSize, kernelSize), 9, 9);

    imshow("bin", bin);
    imshow("pf", preform);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
        if(contours[i].size() > 1000)

    vector<Vec3f> circles;
    HoughCircles(blured, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, fg.rows/16, 100, 30, 1, 100);

    Moments mnt = moments(true_cont[0]);
    Point center_mass(mnt.m10/mnt.m00, mnt.m01/mnt.m00);
    Point circle_center(cvRound(circles[0][0]), cvRound(circles[0][1]));

    line_equation(center_mass, circle_center, k_main, b_main);

    int main_dist = find_dist(center_mass, circle_center);

    Point peak1, peak2;
    vector<Point> top_cont, low_cont;
    separeteContour(true_cont, top_cont, low_cont, k_main, b_main);

    find_max(top_cont, center_mass, circle_center, peak1);
    find_max(low_cont, center_mass, circle_center, peak2);

    line_equation(peak1, peak2, k_peak, b1);

    Point neck_point;

    intersection_points(center_mass, circle_center, peak1, peak2, neck_point);

    point_on_line(neck_point, center_mass, k_main, b_main, neck_point);

    line(fg, Point(-b_main/k_main, 0), Point((fg.rows-b_main)/k_main, fg.rows), 255, 1);

    vector<Point> neck_parallel;
    vector<Point> circle_parallel;
    vector<Point> circle_int;
    vector<Point> circle_int_par1;
    vector<Point> circle_int_par2;

    find_parallel(neck_point, neck_parallel, k_peak, fg.rows);
    find_parallel(circle_center, circle_parallel, k_peak, fg.rows);

    line_interseption(top_cont, circle_parallel[0], circle_parallel[1], circle_int);
    line_interseption(low_cont, circle_parallel[0], circle_parallel[1], circle_int);

    b2 = circle_int[0].y - k_peak * circle_int[0].x;

    point_on_line(circle_int, k_peak, b2, circle_int);

    find_parallel(circle_int[0], circle_int_par1, k_main, fg.rows);
    find_parallel(circle_int[1], circle_int_par2, k_main, fg.rows);

    Point neck_int1, neck_int2;
    intersection_points(circle_int_par1[0], circle_int_par1[1], neck_parallel[0], neck_parallel[1], neck_int1);
    intersection_points(circle_int_par2[0], circle_int_par2[1], neck_parallel[0], neck_parallel[1], neck_int2);

    vertices[0] = circle_int[0];
    vertices[1] = circle_int[1];
    vertices[2] = neck_int1;
    vertices[3] = neck_int2;

    circle(fg, neck_point, 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, peak1, 2, 100, 2);
    circle(fg, peak2, 2, 100, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[0], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[1], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[2], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[3], 2, 0, 2);
    line(fg, neck_parallel[1], neck_parallel[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_parallel[1], circle_parallel[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_int_par1[1], circle_int_par1[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_int_par2[1], circle_int_par2[0], 255, 1);

    imshow("fg", fg);
    imshow("pf", preform);
    imshow("bl", blured);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
click to hide/show revision 5

updated 2020-09-25 06:50:13 -0600

berak gravatar image

Preform Perform separation and image segmentation

Hi everyone! I'm beginner at OpenCV and Computer Vision.

I need to solve the problem of separating connected preforms. I'm write code that allows me to handle a single preform fairly well, but if there are more than 1 of them, then there are problems, which you can see in the picture. How can I solve this problem? I read about the waterfall, but its application did not give the desired result.

Only one preform

Two preform

Source code

If u want u can get source image this: click

#include "mainwindow.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

// Найти уравнение прямой
void line_equation(Point src1, Point src2, double& k, int& b) {
    if ((src1.x != src2.x) && (src1.y != src2.y)) {
        k = (double) (src1.y - src2.y) / (double) (src1.x - src2.x);
        b = src1.y - (k * src1.x);
    } else {
        k = 0;

void find_parallel(Point src, vector<Point>& dst, double k, int rows) {
    int b = src.y - k * src.x;
    dst.push_back(Point(-b/k, 0));
    dst.push_back(Point((rows - b) / k, rows));

// Найти точки пересечения прямой и контура
void line_interseption(vector<Point> src_line, Point p, Point q, vector<Point>& dst_point) {
    int d = 0;
    bool first_point_flag = false;
    bool second_point_flag = false;
    for(size_t i = 1; i < src_line.size(); i++) {
        d = abs((p.y - q.y)*src_line[i].x - (p.x - q.x)*src_line[i].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
            /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
        if(p.x != q.x) {
            if((d == 0) && !first_point_flag && (p.x > src_line[i].x)) {
                first_point_flag = true;
            if((d == 0) && !second_point_flag && (p.x < src_line[i].x)) {
                second_point_flag = true;
        } else {
            if((d == 0) && !first_point_flag && (p.y > src_line[i].y)) {
                first_point_flag = true;
            if((d == 0) && !second_point_flag && (p.y < src_line[i].y)) {
                second_point_flag = true;

// Найти точку пересечения прямых
void intersection_points(Point flp1, Point flp2, Point slp1, Point slp2, Point& dst_point) {
    double k1 = (double)(flp2.y - flp1.y) / (flp2.x - flp1.x);
    double k2 = (double)(slp2.y - slp1.y) / (slp2.x - slp1.x);
    double b1 = k1 * flp1.x - flp1.y;
    double b2 = k2 * slp1.x - slp1.y;
    dst_point.x = -(b1 - b2) / (k2 - k1);
    dst_point.y = -(k2 * b1 - k1 * b2) / (k2 - k1);

// Найти максимально удаленную точку от прямой
void find_max(vector<Point> sepCont, Point p, Point q, Point &dst) {
    dst = sepCont[0];
    int d = 0;
    int d_max = abs((p.y - q.y)*sepCont[0].x - (p.x - q.x)*sepCont[0].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
                /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
    for(size_t i = 1; i < sepCont.size(); i++) {
        d = abs((p.y - q.y)*sepCont[i].x - (p.x - q.x)*sepCont[i].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
            /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
        if(d > d_max) {
            dst = sepCont[i];
            d_max = d;

// Найти расстаяние между двумя точками
int find_dist(Point p1, Point p2) {
   return sqrt((p2.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x) + (p2.y - p1.y) * (p2.y - p1.y));

// Найти точку на прямой
void point_on_line(Point src1, Point src2, double k, int b, Point& dst) {
    double dif = 0;
    if(src1.y - src2.y != 0) {
        dif = (double)abs(src1.x - src2.x) / (double)abs(src1.y - src2.y);
    } else {
        dif = 2;
    int dist = find_dist(src1, src2);
    if(dif > 1) {
        if(src1.x > src2.x) {
            dst.y = k * (src1.x - dist/10) + b;
            dst.x = src1.x - dist/10;
        } else {
            dst.y = k * (src1.x + dist/10) + b;
            dst.x = src1.x + dist/10;
    } else {
        if(src1.y > src2.y) {
            dst.y = src1.y - dist/10;
            dst.x = (dst.y - b) / k;
        } else {
            dst.y = src1.y + dist/10;
            dst.x = (dst.y - b) / k;

void point_on_line(vector<Point> src, double k, int b, vector<Point>& dst) {
    double dif = 0;
    if(src[0].y - src[1].y != 0) {
        dif = (double)abs(src[0].x - src[1].x) / (double)abs(src[0].y - src[1].y);
    } else {
        dif = 2;
    int dist = find_dist(src[0], src[1]);
    if(dif > 1) {
        if(src[0].x > src[1].x) {
            dst[0].y = k * (src[0].x - dist/10) + b;
            dst[0].x = src[0].x - dist/10;
            dst[1].y = k * (src[1].x + dist/10) + b;
            dst[1].x = src[1].x + dist/10;
        } else {
            dst[0].y = k * (src[0].x + dist/10) + b;
            dst[0].x = src[0].x + dist/10;
            dst[1].y = k * (src[1].x - dist/10) + b;
            dst[1].x = src[1].x - dist/10;
    } else {
        if(src[0].y > src[1].y) {
            dst[0].y = src[0].y - dist/10;
            dst[0].x = (dst[0].y - b) / k;
            dst[1].y = src[1].y + dist/10;
            dst[1].x = (dst[1].y - b) / k;
        } else {
            dst[0].y = src[0].y + dist/10;
            dst[0].x = (dst[0].y - b) / k;
            dst[1].y = src[1].y - dist/10;
            dst[1].x = (dst[1].y - b) / k;

// Извлечь прямоугольник по 4 точкам
void extractRect(Mat src, Mat dst, int min_y, int min_x, int max_y, int max_x,
                 int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4, double k1, double k2) {
    while(min_y <= max_y) {
        int x1 = (min_y - b3) / k1;
        int x2 = (min_y - b1) / k2;
        if(x1 < min_x)
            x1 = (min_y - b2) / k1;
        if(x2 > max_x)
            x2 = (min_y - b4) / k2;
        if(x1 > x2) {
            int temp = x2;
            x2 = x1;
            x1 = temp;
        for(int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) {
  <uchar>(Point(i, min_y)) =<uchar>(Point(i, min_y));

void separeteContour(vector<vector<Point>> src, vector<Point>& top, vector<Point>& low, double k, int b) {
    for(size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) {
        for(size_t j = 0; j < src[i].size(); j++) {
            int y_cont = k * src[i][j].x + b;
            if(src[i][j].y < y_cont) {
            } else {

int main()
    Mat fg, bg, blured, preform, bin, ROI, erosion_dst, cont;
    vector<vector<Point>> contours, true_cont;
    Point2d vertices[4];
    int b_main, b1, b2, b3, b4;
    double k_main, k_peak;

    bg = imread("C:\\2\\bg.bmp", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
    fg = imread("C:\\2\\pf1.bmp", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

    resize(fg, fg, Size(), 0.3, 0.3, INTER_AREA);
    resize(bg, bg, Size(), 0.3, 0.3, INTER_AREA);

    absdiff(fg, bg, preform);

    threshold(preform, bin, 10, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
    findContours(bin, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);

    uint32_t resolution = fg.rows * fg.cols;
    uint32_t kernelSize = resolution < 1280 * 1280 ? 7:
                          resolution < 2000 * 2000 ? 15:
                          resolution < 3000 * 3000 ? 27:

    GaussianBlur(bin, blured, Size(kernelSize, kernelSize), 9, 9);

    imshow("bin", bin);
    imshow("pf", preform);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
        if(contours[i].size() > 1000)

    vector<Vec3f> circles;
    HoughCircles(blured, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, fg.rows/16, 100, 30, 1, 100);

    Moments mnt = moments(true_cont[0]);
    Point center_mass(mnt.m10/mnt.m00, mnt.m01/mnt.m00);
    Point circle_center(cvRound(circles[0][0]), cvRound(circles[0][1]));

    line_equation(center_mass, circle_center, k_main, b_main);

    int main_dist = find_dist(center_mass, circle_center);

    Point peak1, peak2;
    vector<Point> top_cont, low_cont;
    separeteContour(true_cont, top_cont, low_cont, k_main, b_main);

    find_max(top_cont, center_mass, circle_center, peak1);
    find_max(low_cont, center_mass, circle_center, peak2);

    line_equation(peak1, peak2, k_peak, b1);

    Point neck_point;

    intersection_points(center_mass, circle_center, peak1, peak2, neck_point);

    point_on_line(neck_point, center_mass, k_main, b_main, neck_point);

    line(fg, Point(-b_main/k_main, 0), Point((fg.rows-b_main)/k_main, fg.rows), 255, 1);

    vector<Point> neck_parallel;
    vector<Point> circle_parallel;
    vector<Point> circle_int;
    vector<Point> circle_int_par1;
    vector<Point> circle_int_par2;

    find_parallel(neck_point, neck_parallel, k_peak, fg.rows);
    find_parallel(circle_center, circle_parallel, k_peak, fg.rows);

    line_interseption(top_cont, circle_parallel[0], circle_parallel[1], circle_int);
    line_interseption(low_cont, circle_parallel[0], circle_parallel[1], circle_int);

    b2 = circle_int[0].y - k_peak * circle_int[0].x;

    point_on_line(circle_int, k_peak, b2, circle_int);

    find_parallel(circle_int[0], circle_int_par1, k_main, fg.rows);
    find_parallel(circle_int[1], circle_int_par2, k_main, fg.rows);

    Point neck_int1, neck_int2;
    intersection_points(circle_int_par1[0], circle_int_par1[1], neck_parallel[0], neck_parallel[1], neck_int1);
    intersection_points(circle_int_par2[0], circle_int_par2[1], neck_parallel[0], neck_parallel[1], neck_int2);

    vertices[0] = circle_int[0];
    vertices[1] = circle_int[1];
    vertices[2] = neck_int1;
    vertices[3] = neck_int2;

    circle(fg, neck_point, 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, peak1, 2, 100, 2);
    circle(fg, peak2, 2, 100, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[0], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[1], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[2], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[3], 2, 0, 2);
    line(fg, neck_parallel[1], neck_parallel[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_parallel[1], circle_parallel[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_int_par1[1], circle_int_par1[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_int_par2[1], circle_int_par2[0], 255, 1);

    imshow("fg", fg);
    imshow("pf", preform);
    imshow("bl", blured);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Perform Preform separation and image segmentation

Hi everyone! I'm beginner at OpenCV and Computer Vision.

I need to solve the problem of separating connected preforms. I'm write code that allows me to handle a single preform fairly well, but if there are more than 1 of them, then there are problems, which you can see in the picture. How can I solve this problem? I read about the waterfall, watershed, but its application did not give the desired result.

Only one preform

Two preform

Source code

If u want u can get source image this: click

#include "mainwindow.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

// Найти уравнение прямой
void line_equation(Point src1, Point src2, double& k, int& b) {
    if ((src1.x != src2.x) && (src1.y != src2.y)) {
        k = (double) (src1.y - src2.y) / (double) (src1.x - src2.x);
        b = src1.y - (k * src1.x);
    } else {
        k = 0;

void find_parallel(Point src, vector<Point>& dst, double k, int rows) {
    int b = src.y - k * src.x;
    dst.push_back(Point(-b/k, 0));
    dst.push_back(Point((rows - b) / k, rows));

// Найти точки пересечения прямой и контура
void line_interseption(vector<Point> src_line, Point p, Point q, vector<Point>& dst_point) {
    int d = 0;
    bool first_point_flag = false;
    bool second_point_flag = false;
    for(size_t i = 1; i < src_line.size(); i++) {
        d = abs((p.y - q.y)*src_line[i].x - (p.x - q.x)*src_line[i].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
            /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
        if(p.x != q.x) {
            if((d == 0) && !first_point_flag && (p.x > src_line[i].x)) {
                first_point_flag = true;
            if((d == 0) && !second_point_flag && (p.x < src_line[i].x)) {
                second_point_flag = true;
        } else {
            if((d == 0) && !first_point_flag && (p.y > src_line[i].y)) {
                first_point_flag = true;
            if((d == 0) && !second_point_flag && (p.y < src_line[i].y)) {
                second_point_flag = true;

// Найти точку пересечения прямых
void intersection_points(Point flp1, Point flp2, Point slp1, Point slp2, Point& dst_point) {
    double k1 = (double)(flp2.y - flp1.y) / (flp2.x - flp1.x);
    double k2 = (double)(slp2.y - slp1.y) / (slp2.x - slp1.x);
    double b1 = k1 * flp1.x - flp1.y;
    double b2 = k2 * slp1.x - slp1.y;
    dst_point.x = -(b1 - b2) / (k2 - k1);
    dst_point.y = -(k2 * b1 - k1 * b2) / (k2 - k1);

// Найти максимально удаленную точку от прямой
void find_max(vector<Point> sepCont, Point p, Point q, Point &dst) {
    dst = sepCont[0];
    int d = 0;
    int d_max = abs((p.y - q.y)*sepCont[0].x - (p.x - q.x)*sepCont[0].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
                /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
    for(size_t i = 1; i < sepCont.size(); i++) {
        d = abs((p.y - q.y)*sepCont[i].x - (p.x - q.x)*sepCont[i].y + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x)
            /sqrt((p.y - q.y) * (p.y - q.y) + (p.x - q.x) * (p.x - q.x));
        if(d > d_max) {
            dst = sepCont[i];
            d_max = d;

// Найти расстаяние между двумя точками
int find_dist(Point p1, Point p2) {
   return sqrt((p2.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x) + (p2.y - p1.y) * (p2.y - p1.y));

// Найти точку на прямой
void point_on_line(Point src1, Point src2, double k, int b, Point& dst) {
    double dif = 0;
    if(src1.y - src2.y != 0) {
        dif = (double)abs(src1.x - src2.x) / (double)abs(src1.y - src2.y);
    } else {
        dif = 2;
    int dist = find_dist(src1, src2);
    if(dif > 1) {
        if(src1.x > src2.x) {
            dst.y = k * (src1.x - dist/10) + b;
            dst.x = src1.x - dist/10;
        } else {
            dst.y = k * (src1.x + dist/10) + b;
            dst.x = src1.x + dist/10;
    } else {
        if(src1.y > src2.y) {
            dst.y = src1.y - dist/10;
            dst.x = (dst.y - b) / k;
        } else {
            dst.y = src1.y + dist/10;
            dst.x = (dst.y - b) / k;

void point_on_line(vector<Point> src, double k, int b, vector<Point>& dst) {
    double dif = 0;
    if(src[0].y - src[1].y != 0) {
        dif = (double)abs(src[0].x - src[1].x) / (double)abs(src[0].y - src[1].y);
    } else {
        dif = 2;
    int dist = find_dist(src[0], src[1]);
    if(dif > 1) {
        if(src[0].x > src[1].x) {
            dst[0].y = k * (src[0].x - dist/10) + b;
            dst[0].x = src[0].x - dist/10;
            dst[1].y = k * (src[1].x + dist/10) + b;
            dst[1].x = src[1].x + dist/10;
        } else {
            dst[0].y = k * (src[0].x + dist/10) + b;
            dst[0].x = src[0].x + dist/10;
            dst[1].y = k * (src[1].x - dist/10) + b;
            dst[1].x = src[1].x - dist/10;
    } else {
        if(src[0].y > src[1].y) {
            dst[0].y = src[0].y - dist/10;
            dst[0].x = (dst[0].y - b) / k;
            dst[1].y = src[1].y + dist/10;
            dst[1].x = (dst[1].y - b) / k;
        } else {
            dst[0].y = src[0].y + dist/10;
            dst[0].x = (dst[0].y - b) / k;
            dst[1].y = src[1].y - dist/10;
            dst[1].x = (dst[1].y - b) / k;

// Извлечь прямоугольник по 4 точкам
void extractRect(Mat src, Mat dst, int min_y, int min_x, int max_y, int max_x,
                 int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4, double k1, double k2) {
    while(min_y <= max_y) {
        int x1 = (min_y - b3) / k1;
        int x2 = (min_y - b1) / k2;
        if(x1 < min_x)
            x1 = (min_y - b2) / k1;
        if(x2 > max_x)
            x2 = (min_y - b4) / k2;
        if(x1 > x2) {
            int temp = x2;
            x2 = x1;
            x1 = temp;
        for(int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) {
  <uchar>(Point(i, min_y)) =<uchar>(Point(i, min_y));

void separeteContour(vector<vector<Point>> src, vector<Point>& top, vector<Point>& low, double k, int b) {
    for(size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); i++) {
        for(size_t j = 0; j < src[i].size(); j++) {
            int y_cont = k * src[i][j].x + b;
            if(src[i][j].y < y_cont) {
            } else {

int main()
    Mat fg, bg, blured, preform, bin, ROI, erosion_dst, cont;
    vector<vector<Point>> contours, true_cont;
    Point2d vertices[4];
    int b_main, b1, b2, b3, b4;
    double k_main, k_peak;

    bg = imread("C:\\2\\bg.bmp", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
    fg = imread("C:\\2\\pf1.bmp", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

    resize(fg, fg, Size(), 0.3, 0.3, INTER_AREA);
    resize(bg, bg, Size(), 0.3, 0.3, INTER_AREA);

    absdiff(fg, bg, preform);

    threshold(preform, bin, 10, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
    findContours(bin, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);

    uint32_t resolution = fg.rows * fg.cols;
    uint32_t kernelSize = resolution < 1280 * 1280 ? 7:
                          resolution < 2000 * 2000 ? 15:
                          resolution < 3000 * 3000 ? 27:

    GaussianBlur(bin, blured, Size(kernelSize, kernelSize), 9, 9);

    imshow("bin", bin);
    imshow("pf", preform);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
        if(contours[i].size() > 1000)

    vector<Vec3f> circles;
    HoughCircles(blured, circles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, fg.rows/16, 100, 30, 1, 100);

    Moments mnt = moments(true_cont[0]);
    Point center_mass(mnt.m10/mnt.m00, mnt.m01/mnt.m00);
    Point circle_center(cvRound(circles[0][0]), cvRound(circles[0][1]));

    line_equation(center_mass, circle_center, k_main, b_main);

    int main_dist = find_dist(center_mass, circle_center);

    Point peak1, peak2;
    vector<Point> top_cont, low_cont;
    separeteContour(true_cont, top_cont, low_cont, k_main, b_main);

    find_max(top_cont, center_mass, circle_center, peak1);
    find_max(low_cont, center_mass, circle_center, peak2);

    line_equation(peak1, peak2, k_peak, b1);

    Point neck_point;

    intersection_points(center_mass, circle_center, peak1, peak2, neck_point);

    point_on_line(neck_point, center_mass, k_main, b_main, neck_point);

    line(fg, Point(-b_main/k_main, 0), Point((fg.rows-b_main)/k_main, fg.rows), 255, 1);

    vector<Point> neck_parallel;
    vector<Point> circle_parallel;
    vector<Point> circle_int;
    vector<Point> circle_int_par1;
    vector<Point> circle_int_par2;

    find_parallel(neck_point, neck_parallel, k_peak, fg.rows);
    find_parallel(circle_center, circle_parallel, k_peak, fg.rows);

    line_interseption(top_cont, circle_parallel[0], circle_parallel[1], circle_int);
    line_interseption(low_cont, circle_parallel[0], circle_parallel[1], circle_int);

    b2 = circle_int[0].y - k_peak * circle_int[0].x;

    point_on_line(circle_int, k_peak, b2, circle_int);

    find_parallel(circle_int[0], circle_int_par1, k_main, fg.rows);
    find_parallel(circle_int[1], circle_int_par2, k_main, fg.rows);

    Point neck_int1, neck_int2;
    intersection_points(circle_int_par1[0], circle_int_par1[1], neck_parallel[0], neck_parallel[1], neck_int1);
    intersection_points(circle_int_par2[0], circle_int_par2[1], neck_parallel[0], neck_parallel[1], neck_int2);

    vertices[0] = circle_int[0];
    vertices[1] = circle_int[1];
    vertices[2] = neck_int1;
    vertices[3] = neck_int2;

    circle(fg, neck_point, 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, peak1, 2, 100, 2);
    circle(fg, peak2, 2, 100, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[0], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[1], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[2], 2, 0, 2);
    circle(fg, vertices[3], 2, 0, 2);
    line(fg, neck_parallel[1], neck_parallel[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_parallel[1], circle_parallel[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_int_par1[1], circle_int_par1[0], 255, 1);
    line(fg, circle_int_par2[1], circle_int_par2[0], 255, 1);

    imshow("fg", fg);
    imshow("pf", preform);
    imshow("bl", blured);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;