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Cant load images after adding opencv_face450.dll.a libraries


I need to use FacemarkKazemi class but i soon as i add the opencv_face450.dll.a library to the project, the imread function stops working (Mat img1=imread(image1, IMREAD_COLOR);) Meaning imshow displays some kind of blank picture. I dont think the problem comes from imshow because some other functionalities further down the code stop working too (face detection).

Best regards

Cant load images after adding opencv_face450.dll.a libraries


I need to use FacemarkKazemi class but i soon as i add the opencv_face450.dll.a library to the project, the imread function stops working (Mat img1=imread(image1, IMREAD_COLOR);) Meaning imshow displays some kind of blank picture. I dont think the problem comes from imshow because some other functionalities further down the code stop working too (face detection).

Best regards