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Cv2.DecomposeHomographyMat throws OpenCVException

Hello. I'm trying to use the DecomposeHomographyMat method but it always throws an OpenCVException with the message:

OpenCvSharp.OpenCVException: 'K.cols == 3 && K.rows == 3'

            Mat homo = Cv2.FindHomography(InputArray.Create(pts1), InputArray.Create(pts2), HomographyMethods.None);
            Mat K = new Mat(3, 3, MatType.CV_8UC3, Scalar.All(0));

            IEnumerable<Mat> rot = Enumerable.Empty<Mat>();
            IEnumerable<Mat> trans = Enumerable.Empty<Mat>();
            IEnumerable<Mat> normal = Enumerable.Empty<Mat>();

                Cv2.DecomposeHomographyMat(homo, K, rot, trans, normal);

            catch (OpenCVException e)

What is wrong with my method call?

Cv2.DecomposeHomographyMat throws OpenCVException

Hello. I'm trying to use the DecomposeHomographyMat DecomposeHomographyMat method but it always throws an OpenCVException OpenCVException with the message:

OpenCvSharp.OpenCVException: 'K.cols == 3 && K.rows == 3'


                Mat homo = Cv2.FindHomography(InputArray.Create(pts1), InputArray.Create(pts2), HomographyMethods.None);
             Mat K = new Mat(3, 3, MatType.CV_8UC3, Scalar.All(0));

             IEnumerable<Mat> rot = Enumerable.Empty<Mat>();
             IEnumerable<Mat> trans = Enumerable.Empty<Mat>();
             IEnumerable<Mat> normal = Enumerable.Empty<Mat>();

                 Cv2.DecomposeHomographyMat(homo, K, rot, trans, normal);

             catch (OpenCVException e)

What is wrong with my method call? call?