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Independent scaling on x and y direction of image

Hi, I am able to use cv2.getRotationMatrix2D (in python) along with warpAffine to scale and rotate my image around a specific cente rpoint. I am faced with the need to do the scaling independently on the x and y axes. Is there a built-in way of doing that?

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updated 2020-05-24 10:34:18 -0600

berak gravatar image

Independent scaling on x and y direction of image

Hi, I am able to use cv2.getRotationMatrix2D (in python) along with warpAffine to scale and rotate my image around a specific cente rpoint. I am faced with the need to do the scaling independently on the x and y axes. Is there a built-in way of doing that?

Independent scaling on x and y direction of image

Hi, I am able to use cv2.getRotationMatrix2D cv2.getRotationMatrix2D (in python) along with warpAffine warpAffine to scale and rotate my image around a specific cente rpoint. I am faced with the need to do the scaling independently on the x and y axes. Is there a built-in way of doing that?