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How to multiply cv.Mat by scalar in JS?

We cannot use operator* unlike C++.

It seems cv.multiply is only for mat * mat (element-wise).

How can I multiply Mat by scalar?

How to multiply cv.Mat by scalar in JS?

We cannot use operator* unlike C++.

It seems cv.multiply is only for mat * mat (element-wise).

How can I multiply Mat by scalar?

Currently, I use cv.multiply(mat, cv.ones(h, w, cv.CV_8UC1), 255)

How to multiply cv.Mat by scalar in JS?

We cannot use operator* unlike C++.

It seems cv.multiply is only for mat * mat (element-wise).(element-wise).

How can I multiply Mat by scalar?

Currently, I use cv.multiply(mat, cv.ones(h, w, cv.CV_8UC1), 255)

How to multiply cv.Mat by scalar in JS?

We cannot use operator* unlike C++.

It seems cv.multiply is only for mat * mat (element-wise).

How can I multiply Mat Mat by scalar?scalar?

Currently, I use cv.multiply(mat, cv.ones(h, w, cv.CV_8UC1), 255)