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undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC

article "Image Alignment (ECC) in OpenCV" ( Sample code has #include <opencv2 opencv.hpp=""> and uses findTransformECC().

On my Ubuntu 18.04 and OpenCV 3.4 this code returns:

undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC(....

I guess some library is missing. What else needs to be included other than opencv.hpp and which libraries I need to add to compillation command? At the moment I have

lopencv_core -l opencv_imgcodecs -l opencv_highgui -lopencv_photo -l opencv_videoio -l opencv_imgproc -l opencv_calib3d

undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC

article "Image Alignment (ECC) in OpenCV" ( Sample code has #include <opencv2 opencv.hpp=""> and uses findTransformECC().

On my Ubuntu 18.04 and OpenCV 3.4 this code returns:would not compile:

undefined reference to 'cv::findTransformECC(....

I guess some library is missing. What else needs to be included other than opencv.hpp and which libraries I need to add to compillation command? At the moment I have

lopencv_core -l opencv_imgcodecs -l opencv_highgui -lopencv_photo -l opencv_videoio -l opencv_imgproc -l opencv_calib3d