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Using convertTo corrupts the image

I have an image that is 3 channels, 16 bit depth. I am trying to convert it to 8 bits using this:

img.convertTo(img, CV_8U, 0.00390625);


While this does work and converts it to 8 bits, it corrupts my image in the process. My previous image looks like this: C:\fakepath\cropped.png

After using convertTo my image now looks like this: C:\fakepath\cropped2.png

Any suggestions why this is?

Using convertTo corrupts the image

I have an image that is 3 channels, 16 bit depth. I am trying to convert it to 8 bits using this:

img.convertTo(img, CV_8U, 0.00390625);


While this does work and converts it to 8 bits, it corrupts my image in the process. My previous image looks like this: C:\fakepath\cropped.pngimage description

After using convertTo my image now looks like this: C:\fakepath\cropped2.png image description

Any suggestions why this is?