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cv::stereo::StereoMatcher::compute vs cv::StereoMatcher::compute

There are two function members with the same name and functionality in different namespaces and with different inheritance trees: cv::stereo::StereoMatcher::compute and cv::StereoMatcher::compute. What is the reason?

cv::stereo::StereoMatcher::compute vs cv::StereoMatcher::compute

There are two function members with the same name and functionality in different namespaces and with different inheritance trees: cv::stereo::StereoMatcher::compute and cv::StereoMatcher::compute. What is the reason?

What is the difference between cv::stereo::StereoMatcher::compute vs cv::StereoMatcher::computeand cv::StereoMatcher::compute?

There are two function members with the same name and functionality in different namespaces and with different inheritance trees: cv::stereo::StereoMatcher::compute and cv::StereoMatcher::compute. What is the reason?difference?