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how to use python bindings

system: windows10

I compiled the source code with visual studio 2019 and cmake. As a result I can find a lib named cv2.cp38-win_amd64.pyd and a directory named python_loader. So how can I use them in python. all files in python_loader

how to use python bindings

system: windows10

I compiled the source code with visual studio 2019 and cmake. As a result I can find a lib named cv2.cp38-win_amd64.pyd and a directory named python_loader. So how can I use them in python. all files in python_loaderall files in python_loader

how to use python bindings

system: windows10

I compiled the source code with visual studio 2019 and cmake. As a result I can find a lib named cv2.cp38-win_amd64.pyd and a directory named python_loader. So how can I use them in python. all files in python_loaderpython.