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where is the typedef struct definition for C's CvHaarClassifierCascade in the OpenCV folder

I grepped everywhere for it(on Ubuntu raring) the closest I found was in this .hpp file


but from what I understand thats C++ right

i found it here

can I just grab the typedef struct there and use it....if so where do i put it like i/e core_c.h?

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2013-10-19 13:39:25 -0600

berak gravatar image

where is the typedef struct definition for C's CvHaarClassifierCascade in the OpenCV folder

I grepped everywhere for it(on Ubuntu raring) the closest I found was in this .hpp file


but from what I understand thats C++ right

i found it here

can I just grab the typedef struct there and use it....if so where do i put it like i/e core_c.h?