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Find person optimal time and send e-mail alerts ?

A worker working in a company and he is continuously doing the same task and I set a time limit of 1 minute for filling one box. Now, I want to find out the person doing his task on time or he is wasting time in other activities. If he is doing unnecessary activities then I alert his manager through email alerts. Can I solve the same problem using OpenCV?

This is my problem statement. I am a newbie to Deep Learning. Please help.


Find person optimal time and send e-mail alerts ?

A worker working in a company and he is continuously doing the same task and I set a time limit of 1 minute for filling one box. Now, I want to find out the person doing his task on time or he is wasting time in other activities. If he is doing unnecessary activities then I alert his manager through email alerts. Can I solve the same problem using OpenCV?

This is my problem statement. I am a newbie to Deep Learning. Please help.
